And this is why I need a good slap in the head from time to time. I get excited easily and need guidance from folks like you and Mr. Brown to keep me in check and keep it real. I have the enthusiasm and off the wall guys have to be the brains behind it all. All issues that have to be addressed. Rubb wants this moved on TODAY. Well,that's not realistic.Mr.Brown pointed that out to me prior to this idea. I get ahead of myself. You guys pull back on the reins. It's the freakin' dream team.One slight issue there Rubb, we have several nations represented on this forum, who's vets do we support? I'm certain people would be more interested in supporting vets of their own nations.
With the economic down turn facing us all in light of this pandemic, the timing is off I think.
...and, @dewie would be the driving force of any such venture as it is his bike and his decision as to what happens with it.
A PM to him in advance of any ideas and plans to ensure he is on board and supportive would be prudent....
Not that I'm suggesting anybody has to do anything. Just spit balling right now,but that's how great things can happen.