There are/were a few members from the Vancouver area that don't seem to post much anymore. A few from the Okanagan...same. Across the water you have 5 or 6 on the island,myself in Victoria. From your area,Manitoba I don't recall any who post up regularly...Sask has 1 or 2,AB has a few.(that stop in here and there)Well isnt this an interesting thread to be found. Seen your ad in kijiji duane and sent it to scar to reach the ishoc community.
Any other canadian busa riders in here? Ill be making a trip from winnipeg to chilliwack mid sept. Wouldnt mind meeting a few other pilots on route.
As your travel date gets closer I would start a thread outlining yer route and dates with a thread title like "Travel from Winnipeg to Vancouver" and I'm sure all the Canucks who pop in fairly frequently will see your posts and read/bump it accordingly. That way it would stay at the top of "What's new" in the search bar. Just a thought,
Rubb. (I'm the #1 Canadian azzhat/post ho who looks in daily)