In all seriousness though, I would try all the evasive manuveurs previously stated (depending on how things look), but if impact is unavoidable, I would keep the bike upright, slow down as much as possible, and then just fly OVER the car, not into it... I've found that theres less bodily damage by doing that... I had something similar happen but I was riding dirtbikes... I was following an ATV, and it stopped on its tracks. I just kind of "jumped" off the bike... I saw the bike crash under me, and I flew over the ATV, landed on the ground after it. I rolled for a bit and ended up on my feet. I didn't have any damage whatsoever. Of course things would be a lot different on the street, and on the busa... but you get the idea... rolling/skidding is a better way to stop than crashing into something.
Good to see people are making plans for dangerous situations BEFORE they happen. Keep it up!