BEWARE FosterRad - Laser Exhaust I got screwed!

Here's another interesting observation:

This mystery person never denies what I posted. Instead, he takes the defensive stance of "...prove we got paid..."

kinda like when someone is caught very guilty. Instead of saying no way I didn't do it like innocent folks, the guilty ones say prove it....

If I fabricated all this up in this much detail, then why not dispute everything? I'll tell you why - because everything I said is true and he knows it...

Geez, if I can indeed "fabricate" all this by myself, then I need to consider a career in fictional literature....

Robert, No way in hell I'm going to let you railroad me like you did the others and you know who I'm talking about....I met some new people that I didn't know before. Thanks to you for bringing us together with at least one thing in common - your poor treatment of us as customers....or do you in your own mind think we are nothing until money is in your hands?
Ok for the sake of getting this rectified to everyone's satisfactory. Please The two parties involved Use email back and forth until you can get this resolved, and hopefully report back on the positive out come.

I just saw this and want to apologize if any of my comments are out of line. I have been a member since 2005 and like this forum. And as you can tell by my low post count I am a person of few words and don't like to spew nothingness...My only goal was to warn other folks of my experience as it happened in all truth. That's it.

The business stuff, getting my money back, I am already taking care of that and have no expectations of this forum for that. Honestly, I just got sick of arrogant folks like him pushing people around and when I heard that I was not the only one, well ya know the rest...

Don't want this thread to become a public hashing out of differences. I trust the two parties can work this out like adults and in the end, everyone will walk away happy. I know everyone's eager to see the outcome, but in the end this is a business deal and not a train wreck. Please be respectful. :)
lol - yeah, I'm not a very good story writer...:bowdown:

I think you are getting screwed but this:

Originally Posted by mdfdbusa
if I can indeed "fabricate" all this by myself, then I need to consider a career in fictional literature....

is a bit of a stretch...:laugh:
No you do not have to appologise. Now that both sides have posted there is no need to keep posting until something (hopfully positive) takes place. We hope that it will help.

I just saw this and want to apologize if any of my comments are out of line. I have been a member since 2005 and like this forum. And as you can tell by my low post count I am a person of few words and don't like to spew nothingness...My only goal was to warn other folks of my experience as it happened in all truth. That's it.

The business stuff, getting my money back, I am already taking care of that and have no expectations of this forum for that. Honestly, I just got sick of arrogant folks like him pushing people around and when I heard that I was not the only one, well ya know the rest...
No you do not have to appologise. Now that both sides have posted there is no need to keep posting until something (hopfully positive) takes place. We hope that it will help.

Party Pooper....

:popcorn: Dino :popcorn: Lav :popcorn: Head East