Wasn't there another chrome shop that burned someone from here ? Remember they had a picture of him getting a ticket from the PoPo on a ZX14, in florida ??

Wasn't there another chrome shop that burned someone from here ? Remember they had a picture of him getting a ticket from the PoPo on a ZX14, in florida ??
I used to feel the same way, but this attitude is what the thieves bank on now. And I do mean bank. They are taking advantage of everyone being decent and their unwillingness to make them make the deal right.As much as i could probably make this guy eat out of a straw for the rest of his life... one thing fighting and sports teach you is discipline. Use it when you have to. This is just money... small amount to find out what someones worth.
"some people are like pennies. 2 faced and worthless"
welll i got my wheels, i got him to next day them to me because i was desperate and he did that... and i filed a dispute with the cc company... so im out a bit still... but whatcha gonna do.
he's in west jefferson,OH... i'm in CT... too far to waste my time with this joker/.
Busa arm reaches a long way.![]()
Sorry to hear,if you guys need chrome work holla at me...
This is just ****** up dude. I am really sorry to hear all this. I wonder how far he is from me. I do a few bike shows a year around here. I could make up a sign to warn everybody of this TOOL. And hundreds of people come look at my bike at the shows....That might impact his scamming a little bit...
I am pretty sure this is the same guy that got me a couple of years ago. He had a milion excuses, from dying relatives to broken phones to personal injury. I finally had him ship my unchromed grab rails back to me. If you can't run a respectable business, shut it down!