Got screwed over by "chromeowner" aka Jermaine

Maybe we should post up with good chrome shops if there are any:whistle:

I used these guys: Chrome Pros Plating for my OEM rims to get chromed.
First class all around.
They are also on ebay if you prefer ( a little cheaper).

This guy: Gulf Coast Cycle Chrome is useless. I bought a chrome swingarm from him and it came packed terrible and damaged and the old bearings were chromed in place. All rusty and seized due to the acid dips. He said “that part doesn’t move much there so they are OK. Everyone I do is like that and you are the first to complain ????
WTF ??? He would not settle in any manner so…. STAY AWAY.
Thanks for the head's up for your 'busa family, bro.

Hope it all works itself out shortly and you can move on to positive things like riding, for example.
welll i got my wheels, i got him to next day them to me because i was desperate and he did that... and i filed a dispute with the cc company... so im out a bit still... but whatcha gonna do.

he's in west jefferson,OH... i'm in CT... too far to waste my time with this joker/.
I'm done with chrome. I know a guy that can powder coat candy like he was born doing it. The same guy that painted my lowers. I saw a swingarm and wheels he's done in candy green that almost had me pull the trigger. He wants to do my wheels, swing arm and calipers in purple candy but that's way too pimp for me. Sorry to hear about your misfortune and I hope you sort it all out.
Thats why i wont deal with no one thats isn't a drive away! Sorry man
Unbeleavable.... You definately did the right thing posting up about this guy...
Maybe there needs to be a new Topic called "Been Screwed?" or "Rogue's Gallery"...would have to be moderated so only people who deserved to get flamed...? Capn?
welll i got my wheels, i got him to next day them to me because i was desperate and he did that... and i filed a dispute with the cc company... so im out a bit still... but whatcha gonna do.

he's in west jefferson,OH... i'm in CT... too far to waste my time with this joker/.

Not too far for me. Does he still have parts to ship to you?
Not too far for me. Does he still have parts to ship to you?

no, just money pretty much... i sent him quite a few parts and not sure what kind of $ value to place on those. Plus 140 for the supposed wheel straightening... figure he owes me at least 400 bucks now.
Just aheads up..first sorry you had to deal with him bro....aside from that there's a guy with a website called Wicked Designs he does powdercoating his name is Joe..formerly out of Dayton but now the sign says he's out of Florida, DO NOT give this guy any business, he still owes mye my 2300 bucks from my wifes Harley he was supposed to do some powder on...I will visit him soo, but till then DO NOT use Wicked Powder or Wicked Designs...
thats the link to THAT douchebag....maybe we should have a Thread for folks to be warned of people NOT to use?
Just aheads up..first sorry you had to deal with him bro....aside from that there's a guy with a website called Wicked Designs he does powdercoating his name is Joe..formerly out of Dayton but now the sign says he's out of Florida, DO NOT give this guy any business, he still owes mye my 2300 bucks from my wifes Harley he was supposed to do some powder on...I will visit him soo, but till then DO NOT use Wicked Powder or Wicked Designs...
thats the link to THAT douchebag....maybe we should have a Thread for folks to be warned of people NOT to use?

his site says he will be at "stuntoberfest" .... in lakeland fl .... this is always a big event .... if anyone wants to "find" this guy !!!
Really ashame. Looks lke you have it well documented. Send the link and see if he has the balls to respond?
should give someone his shipping address he gave you so they can go pay him a visit... and maybe get the parts back you send him. or spend a weekend and go f**k the guy up
should give someone his shipping address he gave you so they can go pay him a visit... and maybe get the parts back you send him. or spend a weekend and go f**k the guy up

As much as i could probably make this guy eat out of a straw for the rest of his life... one thing fighting and sports teach you is discipline. Use it when you have to. This is just money... small amount to find out what someones worth.

"some people are like pennies. 2 faced and worthless"
Wasn't there another chrome shop that burned someone from here ? Remember they had a picture of him getting a ticket from the PoPo on a ZX14, in florida ??