BEWARE FosterRad - Laser Exhaust I got screwed!

Hey, I may be out $658.58 for the time being but can't I get in on the action too?!?!:rofl:

I just had an interesting phone conversation....if all goes well as planned, it will indeed be "checkmate" my friends....

OK you can be up front and close to the action....
I think we have had enough post ho'ing from the bystanders in this thread guys.
I think we have had enough post ho'ing from the bystanders in this thread guys.

awwhh come on now, the big post ho's havent even posted in here yet :rofl::rofl:

after reading 4pages of pooh, only about a page of relevant stuff, I have this as a comment.

I like the look of that exhaust and think if you do get one on your b-king it will look amazing. The other thing I've learned is that I will continue to buy from board sponsors. I've bought from a number of them and each time I'm treated like gold, products are quickly delivered and honestly the pricing has always been comfortable. I say comfortable because I know approximately what something is worth, about what I could expect to pay but I dont "shop it" because I know the service I'm getting from our sponsors makes up for the tiny amount I could save by just looking for the lowest price. :thumbsup:

You my friend have more patience than I when it comes to waiting for stuff and the story line you have posted. After 2wks I would have gotten a refund and told them to call or email when its sitting on their shelf ready to ship to me. That $700 is a lotta diapers/formula/food that I could spend on the family ..... or on other mods :whistle:

Good luck either way, sounds like perhaps you are on the track to get your $$ back and then just call Daniel or Greg (both sponsors that posted in this thread). No doubt both can get you squared away and your experience will be worlds better :beerchug:
thanx guys - I was told by Robert Foster that they are the only and exclusive distributor of the Laser exhaust system and that I be best served ordering thru him.... Thus I took the chance with him and didn't even think to pose the question to board sponsors....Now I come to find out others can get the exhaust as well....Yet another lie I have come to discover....

Also, I am used to ordering stuff from overseas and as long as the shop is upfront and honest with the time frame, I can deal with it. Even if they don't know, as long as they are upfront I can make an informed decision...a more honest approach would have been if the vendor said something like this upfront, "...we do not have a good idea of when the exhaust will come in. Typical timeframes lately have been xxx. If there is a change in the currency rate at the time the exhaust comes in, we will need to charge you whatever the going rate is..." Then I could have made an informed decision...But I was lied to and strung along and then at the very end he tried to squeeze me for more and learn I guess...

In this case I was told that there were 3 systems in route and if I placed an order one would be mine...Then came the stringing along....oh it will be here in 2 weeks....then another 2 wks, then 7-10 days, then 1 wk, then next week, etc...

But you are right, that is alot of $$$ to be tied up for that amount of time...just be forewarned, it is not uncommon for Robert Foster of FosterRad to do this sort of thing as others have posted on other forums...
Hope it works out for you and you get hooked up with your desired exhaust here on the board..:beerchug:

thanx Bird - I really do like the exhaust still, but the price is so high now...back in July, they were on ebay for around $800 and buying direct shaved off some $ to the $7xx range (which I was told was closer to dealer price)....Now it's well over $1k! for slip-ons!:banghead:

At this price range, time to review all the options....
Dr? What a jackass. You undermine your own credibility when you blatantly state that you're a Dr., lmao. Sounds like he had second thoughts about giving you the original price. What probably happened is that your set got sold to someone else for a much higher price. What a douche that guy is.
OK, here's an update and proof that what I said happened did in fact happen.
Since per the original agreement with Robert Foster, I paid my local dealer DGY Motorsports for them to order thru FosterRad. This was done to establish potentially an additional ordering channel for FosterRad via DGY. As stated in my original post, I paid $658.58 on 7/23/09. Luckily, I know two of the owners at DGY and they are trustworthy people.

I called them yesterday and explained how I got jerked around by Robert Foster / FOsterRad. They said no problem, we'll take care of it at our end. They told me to come by and pick up the check for a full refund.

So I just got back and am posting a copy of my refund check from DGY indicating the exact amount I paid back in July '09.

Tell me Robert Foster / FosterRad - am I fabricating this or anything NOW?!?!

Yeah like I said, I was confident that my local dealer are good folks and wouldn't screw me...

As per my original post, I just wanted to warn others so they wouldn't have to go thru this hassle of waiting several months only to get screwed at the end....

Mods, if you feel it is appropriate - could you pls sticky this so others won't get screwed by Robert Foster / FosterRad ever?


I doubt we'll ever hear from ThorspeedFRK again.
That shows you paid the dealer,but possible to get a copy of transaction to foster from the dealer? Foster is claiming deal never paid them.... Not calling DGY dishonest,but would rule out "Beyond a doubt" what foster is claiming.

Foster did claim one was attempted,but was declined by the card number giving.

Either way,I am glad to see you have been refunded your $$ through DGY. :beerchug:
OK, here's an update and proof that what I said happened did in fact happen.
Since per the original agreement with Robert Foster, I paid my local dealer DGY Motorsports for them to order thru FosterRad. This was done to establish potentially an additional ordering channel for FosterRad via DGY. As stated in my original post, I paid $658.58 on 7/23/09. Luckily, I know two of the owners at DGY and they are trustworthy people.

I called them yesterday and explained how I got jerked around by Robert Foster / FOsterRad. They said no problem, we'll take care of it at our end. They told me to come by and pick up the check for a full refund.

So I just got back and am posting a copy of my refund check from DGY indicating the exact amount I paid back in July '09.

Tell me Robert Foster / FosterRad - am I fabricating this or anything NOW?!?!


If this $$ amount shown is what you paid & is amount of refund they gave you was for the same exhaust we talked about yesterday,you see why the refund...they mispriced it by far,and just couldn't be honest and say hey we made a mistake...prices don't jump like that over a few months....the others that had it on ebay were wrong then too...
DGY offered to pay and provided credit card/purchase order info the same day I ordered back in July. I know this because I was standing right next to him when he was on the phone w/ Robert Foster. Foster said they would bill DGY when the item came in.

Despite this, the point is Robert Foster lied to me when I first placed the order. He said 3 Laser exhaust systems were already in route and 1 of those would be mine. After that did not prove true, he strung me along for 2 weeks at a time, then 1 week at a time, then next week, then in a few days, until present day October '09. Then when I finally confronted him, he turned Dr Jeckyl/Mr Hyde on me and then tried to squeeze me for a higher price, also dodging the when for delivery one more time. Then when I posted this to the public he gives a lame excuse like DGY's credit card was declined, which by the way never came up over the course of the three months of my attempted correspondence with them.

DGY is one of the largest midwest motorsports dealers in the U.S. The even carry the TRex and Can Am line along with Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Honda, and Aprillia. I asked them about the credit card being declined and they said that was BS...also doesn't make much sense if DGY was messing around since they had no problem giving me my refund check the next day I asked.

Bottom line is I got my money back, but still suffered the wait and frustration of dealing with this clown Robert Foster / FOsterRad... and if the non-believers want to take a chance on Robert Foster / FosterRad, then best of luck to them....

That shows you paid the dealer,but possible to get a copy of transaction to foster from the dealer? Foster is claiming deal never paid them.... Not calling DGY dishonest,but would rule out "Beyond a doubt" what foster is claiming.

Foster did claim one was attempted,but was declined by the card number giving.

Either way,I am glad to see you have been refunded your $$ through DGY. :beerchug: