Mr Brown

Record gas prices equal this, but they're not doing anything wrong....
I am sick of having ridiculous profits made of my back by greedy corporations. This $hit is gonna have to stop.
The guy in the picture is laughing at us, me and you, cuz he's rich and we're stupid.

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Thats F-ed up. What really sucks is we can't do ANYTHING about it!
Your statement about greedy corporations is too general but it fits here with the oil companies. These guys have pulled off one of the biggest theft capers of all time and I suspect within a few years the hearings and trials will start where some will go to jail.

Another point to remember is that these are not the only guys or reasons responsible for high gas prices. Speculation in the futures markets, China's consumption, our waste, our reduced refining capacity from natuaral disasters and environmentalists who prevent anymore refineries from being built are some more.
Thats F-ed up. What really sucks is we can't do ANYTHING about it!
sure we can! start thinking with your gas tank: move closer to work, plan your trips and use HALF the gas you do normally. stop buying big dumb vans and SUVs. onyl thing WE as a group can do.

I been sticking it to the gas man since I could drive in small feul efficent cars, and probably saved anough on gas to buy a house

I heard that shid this morning and its fugged up. People are out here struggling to maintain and these fcks are smiling. I realize they gotta eat too, but this is eating too dayum good.
Yep, that hairlip lookin' Mofo is laughing all the way to the bank. Just think about how big his bonus will be. Probably more in 1 bonus than many of us combined will make in a life time. I voted for Bush, what a mistake. He and his Big Oil cronies have set us up and are screwing us blind. All we can do is be thankful he will soon be out of office. Although the next bunch will just screw us in some other way.

We the Sheeple, just keep working and trying to keep our heads above water.


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Very sad indeed... The rich get richer & the poor get screwed over and out. They don't freaking care, but you know what the oil is bound to run out, then what...
At least Kerry didn't get in. Sorry, but Kerry is an ass. I wouldn't trust that wimp for anything. If he were pres, We'd have probably had even more terror attacks. But thats another story for another person, cause if I get started, I'll get pissed and break stuff.
Your statement about greedy corporations is too general but it fits here with the oil companies. These guys have pulled off one of the biggest theft capers of all time and I suspect within a few years the hearings and trials will start where some will go to jail.

Another point to remember is that these are not the only guys or reasons responsible for high gas prices. Speculation in the futures markets, China's consumption, our waste, our reduced refining capacity from natuaral disasters and environmentalists who prevent anymore refineries from being built are some more.
When corporations drive prices up specifically so that they can generate obscene profits directly from working people, they are greedy. Nothing wrong with making a buck, but how much money do they really need?
If the contributing factors that you list were in any way viable, the costs would be reflected in a down turn of profit, not record highs.
The worst part about it is that ALL the companies are reporting huge profits. There's no real competition and no real alternatives. Like it or not, oil is currently a necessity. When companies get a monopoly on a necessity and stop competing, there's not much the common man can do about it. Boycott gas? Not if you want to keep your job. Take public transportation? Not available in all areas. Bottom line - they have us by the balls and they know it.
If the us would buy from venezuala and tell opec to get fugged the price would drop to 1.00 gal overnight venezuala is producing enough oil to supply us but the U.S. won't buy it, so China is buying all the oil from venezuala does that make any damn sense. the rumor over here in west texas is the gov is gonna let all these little wells open back up to help fuel prices WHAT THE HELL IS THAT GONNA HELP the big oil co. own them too
did ya'll see the deal on cnn when katrina got new orleans venezuala offered to give us a million barrels of oil, prolly hoping that the u.s. would start buying, I but the idiots in washington said nah we would rather keep going broke.
Boy am I going to get ready for a beating but here goes...... That evil company employs over 123,000 employees and distribute to over 42,000 stations nationwide. It's not one terrible person, its a huge company, if you don't like it change it... Buy your gas somewhere else or buy a bicycle.... Everyone wants keep their luxuries but not pay anything for it, you guys are Busa owers... Have any one of you not gone riding to protest the cost or do you just complain about it.... Don't sit around and talk about being a victim, you decide the outcome. I bet if you worked for the company and was getting the benifits from it you wouldnt have a problem with it, I bet if you owned stock in the company you wouldnt be upset..... Buy stock, stop using gas, your choice but dont be upset because a company is successfull. We are not talking about the company that has the cure for cancer and is charging outrageous prices its gasoline... How convicted are you about the prices? Enough to stop going on pleasure rides on the BUSA? Oh yeah I forgot you have a right to ride, just like the oil companies have a right to charge what they want...........

This is America, make a better widget


Captain, I believe you are saying its a Catch-22 in the fact that many of us are not willing to sacrifice to make a difference. If I were employed by the oil companies and I stood to get the big bonus, I personally would have to ask myself is it fugging my fellow Americans for me to have my hands getting greased. I actually care and it would bother me, however many don't give a shid and are looking for the fat azz bonus while others can't afford to drive to work.

I can honestly say that if ME not riding for a month would make a difference, I'm all for it. If all of the org did it, that would be cool. If all Suzuki owners boycotted gas for a month, oh boy. But in the practical world we live in it won't happen because there are still others riding Hondas, Kaws, Yamahas, Ducs, Aprillas, and fuggin Harleys. That is the problem, the few are outnumbered by the many.

Until those that have and are constantly getting more, really start giving a shid about those who have not, we are not going to get anywhere.
So if you think it's ok for the Oil company's to make record profits, ok. I agree. But let the sonsofbitches do it on their own dime. Do you realize that a large part of the Exxon corporation's equipment and pipelines were build/aquired and paid for with Gov subsidies. Meaning we paid for the infrastructure. Now they are screwing us blind. With our own money. Same as the phone company's and electric company's. All built with government money.
Hmmm interesting reads..... Do you guys think that all of the employees of all of the big corporations get big bonuses? Out of 123,000 employees how many do you think are overpaid? I am little suprised that a group that rides a luxury bike, a big power speed machine not as fuel effecient as others would be so upset with the price of gas.. Don't get me wrong I don't like it I just adjust to what I can afford. How many that disagree with me drive an SUV or a vehicle that gets less that 20 MPG? Are you willing to sacrifice anything to change the prices? How many of you that own a hayabusa are sooooooo strapped that you can't afford to eat, is this a question of necessity or just not being fair that your not in a position of wealth?
The Captain is right to a point. But come on, enough is enough. The price per barrel has only gone up an average of 30% yet the price per gallon of gas has increased an average of 250% to 300%. And your right about the worker. I bet they don't get a large part of the increase. But the CEO's will. It won't be long and CEO's will bankrupt this great Country. But we can't do a damn thing about it.