kiddin, I know what you are saying and agree with you. lets loose the freakin TANKS we drive. I have a Civic and a Miata. both small, both decent mileage. I'm doing my part.

I just dont like the price gougeing [sp?] for labor day and memorial day. AMAZING how it alwasy skyrockets THOSE weekends and not the rest of the time? this last one, I heard so much in the newsabout the HURRICANE causing the price increase.... really? Obviously not with RECORD PROFITS. Then the gov says "Yeah, we need to be looking in to that.." ok.... when is that gonna happen? ah. never. thanks.

Gas in my area went up to $3.45 and now it's back to $2.07 ? uh huh....

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I too don't think the "little guys" working for the oil companies are getting big bonuses...but the guys WAY up the food chain are making it hand over fist...

And yeah, we all need to take a closer look at what we do to contribute to the ever increasing demand for fuel. Americans love to complain and then sit back and wait; we don't like going without...
Corporate executives have gotten too greedy.  Business has become all about return on the investment to the stockholders.  I don't work for an oil company, but I do work for a publicly held company and I'm sure the oil companies operate the same way.  

The CEO earns more than a 1000 times what I do in a year.  His quarterly bonus is more than my annual salary.  When things are bad, he gets a bonus for improving the company's profits.  Of course that is done by laying off large numbers of employees.  When things are good, his bonus goes up disproportionately to the employees.  

A few months ago, he cut the per-diem reimbursement to employees on travel because the travel budget was too high.  Forget the fact that management is not planning travel and we frequently are flying out on 1 or 2 days notice, dramatically increasing the cost of the flights.  Two weeks after taking money out of my pocket, he sends out an email congratulating us all on record profits and telling us to keep up the good work.  I'm sure the same is happening in the oil companies.  

Only a handful of people are actually seeing the money from the record profits while they figure out ways to take more away from the employees in order make themselves look better in the eyes of the shareholders.  Nothing illegal about it in a capitalistic society, but greed run unchecked will eventually be the fall of capitalism. I hope they get themselves back in check before the Government decides it needs to get involved.

I would have to compare the fuel companies to telecomm. Do we really really need caller ID, call waiting, voicemail, two lines and all the other features? Do we NEED broadband at home? Will a 56k modem suffice or are we just too impatient to wait on the Internet to load or email to download? We as Americans demand bigger better faster, the cheaper comes on down the line... When Americans stop buying gas except to get to and from work then and only then will the gas prices go down.... We have to stop "demanding" the product, most people would raise the price of gas if people kept buying it...... Dont kid yourselves you might feel bad at first but you would rationalize it just like the CEO's of every product and service company out there.... Thats the American way...... I really noticed this one day when my 11 year old son asked for a cell phone, all of his friends have one so he needed one, why are prices so high for telecommunications, because its readily available and everyone thinks they have to have a cell phone.. If we ever stopped using cell phones the prices would drop....

Your thoughts!!

DennisH I agree, in my past with other companies I have seen the same thing.... I am really trying to understand why so many are bitter at the oil execs, is it because they have more than you? Is it fair that they are living the life of luxury and you are not, absolutely not, but is it illegal no....... What is an acceptable profit margin for a company, if you had to make the decision on when enough is enough what would it be... I just don't get it... If we dont like it then why do we allow it to happen........ Are we a society that is so victimized that we have forgotten how to stop supporting what we dont agree with? Are we a country that lazy that we disagree with it and its not fair but not unfair enough that we would stop using gas or cell phones? What is the limit? I have worked through the ranks of management and I am somewhere above middle management but not executive level.. I constantly work to improve the lives of my employees and make sure that they are treated fairly. Because I make a substantial number more than they do does that mean that I should give cash handouts to them for gas money? What is the limit? How much is OK to make in America? Should the government step in and put a cap on executive salaries? Someone owns the Oil companies, share holders? private owner? they all work for you..............

For me I researched and found an alternative fuel source. I agree with Cap that we want our cake and eat it too. My bikes are recreational, but my daily drive is a diesel. Diesel can be made from alternative sources and not fossil fuels (aka crude oil).
DennisH I agree, in my past with other companies I have seen the same thing.... I am really trying to understand why so many are bitter at the oil execs, is it because they have more than you? Is it fair that they are living the life of luxury and you are not, absolutely not, but is it illegal no....... What is an acceptable profit margin for a company, if you had to make the decision on when enough is enough what would it be... I just don't get it... If we dont like it then why do we allow it to happen........ Are we a society that is so victimized that we have forgotten how to stop supporting what we dont agree with? Are we a country that lazy that we disagree with it and its not fair but not unfair enough that we would stop using gas or cell phones? What is the limit? I have worked through the ranks of management and I am somewhere above middle management but not executive level.. I constantly work to improve the lives of my employees and make sure that they are treated fairly. Because I make a substantial number more than they do does that mean that I should give cash handouts to them for gas money? What is the limit? How much is OK to make in America? Should the government step in and put a cap on executive salaries? Someone owns the Oil companies, share holders? private owner? they all work for you..............

Why should be clear. Read about subsidies. We helped set them up. With tax dollars. Now they are using the system my tax dollars built to make a huge profit. I say make them pay back all the money they recieved in subsidies and then they can do whatever the market allows.
Gas pricing HAS kept me from a ride or two in the also keeps my from fdriving my 4X4 SUV(driven less than 200 miles this year!)....cause it gets me right at 20+MPG. I am shopping for a new pickup...but even the V6 motors of today are starting to get 16/19 ratings...that's BS! I don't want 265HP from my V6....gimmie 200HP and an extra 5~10MPG any day. So now I search for a 4cyl.
My wife's 05 Altima can get close to 500 miles to a tank of gas in the city...which is great.
But my truck doesn't move unless we NEED it's capabilites....while I drive a rental car most of the year and my employer picks up the gas, I have driven almost everything budget has to I choose the most efficient of the models.
As for cell phones...we took the inverse path about 5 years ago...we have no landline.
We have an account that we share minutes on....cell to cell, long distance and nights-weekends are all free...and I never miss a call because I wasn't home. I need no answering home wiring coverages to pay non-sense. Why pay 40+ a month for soemthing that only duplicates what your cell will do?
I use braodband access at home for both work and pleasure. The VOIP abilities of cable permit me to conference in from home and save on driving...movies on cable keep us from driving a little (we also use netflix) I am able to get many of my necessary documents for work electronically...which saves on paper/postage and time.
I do what I can, if and when at all possible...but the fact is...were are all screwed until money is eliminated.
Until's a matter of who gets screwed less.
I am really trying to understand why so many are bitter at the oil execs, is it because they have more than you?[/QUOTE]
No, it's because they gained it by manipulating the system, and use our money to make their money. Loan me a billion dollars, I'm pretty sure I could make myself enough to live on for a while.......especially if I don't have to repay the "loan".
Is it fair that they are living the life of luxury and you are not, absolutely not, but is it illegal no......[/QUOTE]
Only because the lobbyists they pay with their stolen money see to it that no laws are passed making it illegal, let me decide what is legal or not and I'll set up a drug empire in a week. See what kind of record profits I can turn in.
The cheating of the working man and woman will stop soon, one way or another. The greed demonstrated here is just one example of what is wrong with this country. Money controls the political and judicial systems, and those are not the principals upon which this country was founded.
Let me understand what you put Mr. Brown (sounds like I'm in trouble) Are you saying that one person received money from the government and they became rich and now that they are in ultimate power we have no control.... AND no laws are passed because of lobbyist?

If so my reply is this, has the oil companies brought anything to the ecomomy or do they just bring negative to the country? Surely the 123,000 that just Exxon employs helps the economies out in one way or the other, they all have to eat, drive a car, live in a house, pay taxes,,,,, you get the point... And once again are we as a society so passive and beat down that we feel so helpless to change the government? We vote those folks into office ya know we WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE can change anything that we want if we would stop feeling so victimized that our hands are tied and there is nothing that we could do... Personally it doesnt really bother me that the oil companies made a huge profit as a matter of fact it makes me want to find a way to use that to make my own money, what service or product could I get into that would be needed by the evil empire of the dark sith?

Personally I am not a victim, I dont act like one and I dont feel like one. If I dont agree with it I can ignore it or change it but to blame it and then sit and do nothing is counter productive. I can make a huge difference in my community and in my country, I have been a police officer, a fire chief and even worked the back of an ambulance for a time..... I saw what a difference I could make every day... Now that I am in corporate America I try to make a difference there with integrity, leadership and setting the example. AS A CITIZEN I VOTE, EXPRESS MY THOUGHTS AND TAKE AN ACTIVE ROLE IN MY LOCAL COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT. Everyone has something to offer, bound together we pay the salaries of every elected official and ya know what we pay more than any lobbyist.

For me I researched and found an alternative fuel source.  I agree with Cap that we want our cake and eat it too.  My bikes are recreational, but my daily drive is a diesel.  Diesel can be made from alternative sources and not fossil fuels (aka crude oil).
Are you talking about gas-station diesel or home-made diesel? Cause the gas-station diesel is basically in the same spot as gasoline, as far as prices go.
i wish i had a sailboat and i would live on it and sail the world under the power of the wind and the oil companies could kiss
Very sad indeed... The rich get richer & the poor get screwed over and out. They don't freaking care, but you know what the oil is bound to run out, then what...
Then they use that money to buy up the next source of energy or rights to the technology to use the energy... and they keep right on laughing.
Your statement about greedy corporations is too general but it fits here with the oil companies. These guys have pulled off one of the biggest theft capers of all time and I suspect within a few years the hearings and trials will start where some will go to jail.

Another point to remember is that these are not the only guys or reasons responsible for high gas prices. Speculation in the futures markets, China's consumption, our waste, our reduced refining capacity from natuaral disasters and environmentalists who prevent anymore refineries from being built are some more.
HT-USMC exactly my point, whoever made that something better sold it and made a buck off it, so lets be mad at all the folks that created something better and sold it for profit... Damn the smart people !!!! Make a better widget I think I said that earlier.....

Are you saying that one person received money from the government and they became rich and now that they are in ultimate power we have no control.... AND no laws are passed because of lobbyist?
Not at all. There is no one person who has benefitted from special interest groups, but they pervert the political process for the good of their minority groups. They push legislation through, often attatching it to completely unrelated issues, that would not get passed if it were subject to thorough scrutiny. They are paid by the groups these laws are written to benefit, and this cash is used in very creative and sometimes questionable ways...
And once again are we as a society so passive and beat down that we feel so helpless to change the government? We vote those folks into office ya know we WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE can change anything that we want if we would stop feeling so victimized that our hands are tied and there is nothing that we could do... [/QUOTE]
True, we did vote them into office. We did this believing however, maybe foolishly, that they would keep their word and govern us in a manner that is honest and moral. Too many of todays politicians, at all levels, are more concerned with getting themselves re-elected than they are at serving those who elected them.
If I dont agree with it I can ignore it or change it but to blame it and then sit and do nothing is counter productive. I can make a huge difference in my community and in my country, I have been a police officer, a fire chief and even worked the back of an ambulance for a time..... I saw what a difference I could make every day... Now that I am in corporate America I try to make a difference there with integrity, leadership and setting the example. AS A CITIZEN I VOTE, EXPRESS MY THOUGHTS AND TAKE AN ACTIVE ROLE IN MY LOCAL COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT. Everyone has something to offer, bound together we pay the salaries of every elected official and ya know what we pay more than any lobbyist.
Just because I point out what is wrong, doesn't mean that I sit and do nothing about it. I try to make a difference in the lives of those with whom I come in contact, no matter how small a difference it may be. Unfortunately, while we may pay more collectively than any lobbyist, we do not have the direct access to the ears of those who are in charge. Who's more influential, the one who makes the rules, or the one who controls the rulemaker?
I'll ask you again, if you or I had access to the kind of financial clout that the executives of these companies command, do you think we would fail to become wealthy and powerful? Do you think we would do it at the expense of those with whose care and welfare we are entrusted? How much wealth and power do you need to accumulate before you are content? It's like a game to these people, but they are playing with our lives...........
The awesome thing is that we are able to sit here and openly discuss our views and not worry about someone kicking our door in to punish us for our ideas.... I think that you have hit the nail on the head with the desire to know when is enough, enough...... You look at guys like Bill Gates that have the wealth of small country and ask how in the world could a guy spend all the billions that he has and still have a conscience to charge for windows
We will have that questions for many years since it has histirically been around since time began in one form or another... Our opinions differ somewhat but ya know if we all had the same ideas and beliefs then it wouldnt be any fun and we would all be lemmings just here to exist. In the mean time I am looking for a better widget to sell so that I can obtain billions and overcharge the rest of you.......

and environmentalists who prevent anymore refineries from being built are some more.
This is the stand alone biggest reason that we are all suffering. The same idiots that protested re-building the New Orleans Levies 20 years because it might disturb the rare butt licking frog and stress the ear humping bat are the ones that have biotched and moaned about building refineries. it's very simple...we have more than enough crude oil. We do not have the means to refine it fast enough to keep up to the demand. More refineries, same amount of crude oil available, more gasoline produced lower prices at the pumps. More animal loving pussi@$ screaming to save the earth the more things get screwed up. I say that we let these "Activists" spend a little time being cold in the dark by denying them access to the "evil refineries" product and I'd bet their tune changes.