The government has stepped in in the past and broken up big oil companies. This should probably be re-visited. By acting in unison, they are in effect a monopoly.DennisH I agree, in my past with other companies I have seen the same thing.... I am really trying to understand why so many are bitter at the oil execs, is it because they have more than you? Is it fair that they are living the life of luxury and you are not, absolutely not, but is it illegal no....... What is an acceptable profit margin for a company, if you had to make the decision on when enough is enough what would it be... I just don't get it... If we dont like it then why do we allow it to happen........ Are we a society that is so victimized that we have forgotten how to stop supporting what we dont agree with? Are we a country that lazy that we disagree with it and its not fair but not unfair enough that we would stop using gas or cell phones? What is the limit? I have worked through the ranks of management and I am somewhere above middle management but not executive level.. I constantly work to improve the lives of my employees and make sure that they are treated fairly. Because I make a substantial number more than they do does that mean that I should give cash handouts to them for gas money? What is the limit? How much is OK to make in America? Should the government step in and put a cap on executive salaries? Someone owns the Oil companies, share holders? private owner? they all work for you..............
Instead of using all those huge profits to build more refineries, they just pocket the big bucks. There is no motivation to build more refining capacity, if you can just double the amount you charge for the same output.