BIGROD1300 and family need our prayers

We just off the phone with Trudy.
The swelling has gone down and Rod has successfully been taken off the ventilator.

If he keeps this positive trend he could be moved to a regular room for recovery as early as Monday. Meaning he can receive mail, visitors, and calls. I will ensure the info is relayed.

They found a hole in his heart which is believed to be the whole cause of this. If he is stable Monday they will start the process of preparing him for a surgery to fix it. Of course this means a surgery is in his future.

Emotionaly Rod seems very sad, down and tired. There is still a heavy right side paralysis and he cannot talk so Trudy was trying to get him to use the dry erase board, Rod wrote and "L" with his left hand (he is right handed) and then fell asleep.

He has been good on responding to verbal commands, and recognition of family members. Apparently b/w family and staff they had to get the process down for Rod, either using thumbs up/down, blink once/twice or wiggle toe etc., but they got it sorted.
i'm glad to hear there has been a little progress, prayers continued
We just off the phone with Trudy.
The swelling has gone down and Rod has successfully been taken off the ventilator.

If he keeps this positive trend he could be moved to a regular room for recovery as early as Monday. Meaning he can receive mail, visitors, and calls. I will ensure the info is relayed.

They found a hole in his heart which is believed to be the whole cause of this. If he is stable Monday they will start the process of preparing him for a surgery to fix it. Of course this means a surgery is in his future.

Emotionaly Rod seems very sad, down and tired. There is still a heavy right side paralysis and he cannot talk so Trudy was trying to get him to use the dry erase board, Rod wrote and "L" with his left hand (he is right handed) and then fell asleep.

He has been good on responding to verbal commands, and recognition of family members. Apparently b/w family and staff they had to get the process down for Rod, either using thumbs up/down, blink once/twice or wiggle toe etc., but they got it sorted.

Man that is awesome news! That's a positive they might have found a contributing factor as well. It's amazing how well determined people can recover. He's lucky he's a bigger and stronger guy to begin with...a deal like this can be physically hard to overcome if you aren't healthy to begin with. Hoping for a fast recovery. James
So sorry to hear about this, but I hope he can get on the road to recovery now that the cause has been narrowed down. Prayers sent for ya, Rod.
good to hear good news. i guess when it comes down to it, he's lucky to be alive. still praying for a full recovery.
Fantastic news for sure

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For members that don't know Rod...





