Blancas down !

Glad to hear you are ok. That loss of concentration is why I won't go on long rides with some of the guys I work with after working 4 12's without sleep. I don't feel safe riding when I get loopy after bein up almost 24 hours. I don't want to take any chances at all. Wish I had some extra parts I could send your way to help a little bit.
I just can't help but think of what you posted in Grumpy's wreck thread. I wish you the best, maybe next time you won't be so quick to point out someone elses mishaps.
Sorry to hear about your mishap. Glad you're OK. Thanks for sharing, it's good a reminder to the rest of us to maintain our focus.
LOOK at the dent in the Yukon!!!!

My father always said never buy a GMC truck as they build them out of dog spittle, old pancakes, and toilet paper tubes. Stupid me, I thought he was joking. :banghead:


Blanca reincarnated as a cat.... :moon:

Glad you are OK and the bikes not too bad. :thumbsup:

Can't bash a guy for taking a hit. Hope you heal quick. The hit to the self esteem hurts more than anything.. be safe
um ya, not thread jacking, but your lucky. and im jealous.

I'd take your 'at fault' than my 'wtf a car stopped in the middle of the road after running a light'.

glad your alright and the bike is still ride-able, actually im jealous of all of you busa riders right now as mine is sitting in a service shops shed.

you should see me when im driving and i see a busa, i scream. i literally scream out loud. not joking.

Dude that just sucks! I'm so sorry for you but very glad you walked and eventually rode away. Expensive pizza heard!
I have a stator cover with your name on it, Also a front nose fairing with a very small blem on it if you want/need. lemme know. Again, sorry.
hate hear it, glad you are ok.

Your bikes right side looks better than their Tahoe's rear.
Lots of good thoughts coming your way Saiid, you were lucky so count your blessings and so glad you came out OK considering what the bumper on that Yukon looks like.
I just can't help but think of what you posted in Grumpy's wreck thread. I wish you the best, maybe next time you won't be so quick to point out someone elses mishaps.

I wished them well on first page.
What I 'posted' in his thread later was an honest question and was only asked of him after he was answering other questions . In no way was it a poke or anything else nor was I quick .
He later posted in that thread he did not take it the wrong way so I think you should not have either . Strange how one i asked did not have a problem with it but others do ?
I feel your pain on this one Bro, but SH*T happens. If we were all perfect in a perfect world, then we wouldn't be human and it wouldn't be planet Earth.
Glad you're ok and the bike still runs. Everything else will work out..!! :-)
bike can be fixed, glad you aren't hurt worse. Just try to keep your spirits up and fix it as you can :thumbsup: