Blancas down !

Are you doing the whole thing over & over & over again in your head. That's the worst !

I'll give it to you, when I went down I went straight home, and put the bike up for a week or so.
Are you doing the whole thing over & over & over again in your head. That's the worst !

I'll give it to you, when I went down I went straight home, and put the bike up for a week or so.

You know if it had been more of an accident I probably would be going over it trying to figure out what happened and asking 'why me' ? But since it was just a stupid mistake I'm not really going over it at all.
Kinda feel and felt like Homer Simpson .
'Doh' !
Like a guy on a sports bloopers show .
Say to myself 'well that was stupid' and move along past it. I fell off my horse and got right back up and on it . Was riding again in about thirty minutes after cop did his report . Went ate lunch and rode five hours home . Since then I've ridden twice . I am lucky that while I did crash she was rideable right afterward. Patrick (O Holy P) was right there to help me pick her up as well.
Cant tell by the picture but I have a kickstand in perfect perfect condition if anything is wrong with yours. You know, the money insurance pays for little scuffs like that could give you a very nice custom paint job. A friend was putting an airshifter on his bike, not on a stand like I told him too and the bike fell over while pushing the airbox on. 6800 insurance quote and he has 1000 deductable. 5800 in his pocket and is doing motor work and a paint job just from shoving his bike over. Hmm , gives me an idea, ill be right back and be getting me a turbo:laugh::laugh::laugh:
my thought would have been.... "a como soy pendejo" and its what my cousin said when he did the same thing.
Cheers and glad you're ok
No need to bash on you brother! Crap happens to all of us every once in a while and when it does, the last thing you need is someone giving you crap! Glad that it was just a minor boo boo and that you are ok. I'm sure Blanca will be fixed sometime soon. :beerchug:
glad your all good blanca....

and after reading about that third accident on your Zx... someone is obviously watching over you :)
Saiid I am glad you are ok! I know a get off sucks know matter the type! You are walking, talking, and moving! The bike can be fixed or replaced! But you not easily fixed and not replaceable! Again it sucks... A hard lesson learned! Painful too.... The bruises to pride and the body! If you need anything... Pm me, text, or call! I have one to post when I can get time at my pc at home. Saiid you seen the pictures! You make person number 3 that I know that went down on Sunday!
You IDIOT !!! just tease'n Blanca !

Dont beat yourself up too much .... the best riders in the world crash !
Sorry to hear about accident, but glad you are okay...hope u and your bike get all fixed up soon and be back on road
ouch glad your ok Saiid, least its minor with not much tore up and yourself coming away with a few marks and some pride hurt...sorry i dont have any Gen 2 parts to send your way...
sorry to hear about your misfortune. im just curious as to how the dent got in the tank? there doesnt seem to be any scratches on it.

also this is why i have trained myself to NOT use my rear brake. its too hard to control it in an emergency. there was an interview in cycle world of some racer. he was testing abs brakes. said he never uses the rear brake on the track or otherwise. i have since taken his advice and probably saved a crash. during an emergency it is very hard to have contol over the brake foot.

heal up and get that bike fixed.