Bon Voyage (for Bash Attendees)

No Sam....don't "Meat" him, that just wouldn't be right.:laugh:

Im gonna have to agree with BoB on this one.. Please don't "meat" him, he is a pretty big ol boy and just might put a smack down on ya..

Besides he isn't your type when he came down and visited us in Tx he never baaaaaaah'd once.

Already did. Too late. And he's already been to the sheep barn spying for his bed partner for the night.:rofl:
warm bed, good nights sleep and head out around 4AM..

Hey I thought you were going to bash at one time Scar?

That idea had been tossed around some several months ago, but it turns out that I'd be better served to stay here and make sure everything's in order so everyone's comfortable in Reno.

I'll have to make it to another...maybe this fall.

I'd like to see if I can get to Cap's Reunion this year,'s a much easier 'to do' as far as airports and distance go.

Safe travels!
Leaving Wednesday, hitting a concert in Raleigh, then making it to Robbinsville on Thursday in time for the ride with Don and the gang :thumbsup:

Travel safe everyone! See you there!! :cheerleader: