Spring bash Attendees

Getting the essentials packed

theshnizzle said:
So it looks like there will be about 55 or so pple there.....posible attendeance, but it depends on the weather. It is almost 900 miles for me and it would suck to ride all the way down to have rain Sat and Sun. I would have to leave around 2 or 3 am Thurs to hope to get there after dinner.

Yes, do the ride in one very looooong day, slab it down then ride the lower part of the BRP on the way home.,then back on slab. Give myself a break and take 2 day!! to get home!

Well, with a stop I think at Froggies house......pick up my contraband....:whistle:

Lemme know ahead of time so I can call and have soneraone gather your goodies up. :thumbsup:

Smellphone via Forum Runner
Im out... :banghead:

Big E + 5 - Phillips: Wed - Sun
TwoBrothersBusa +1 - Phillips: Thurs - Sun
Tiller + 1 - Phillips: Thurs - Sun
SKECHE - maybe
semi - Phillips: Wed-Sun riding
Gixerhp, mizmooza,Dngrumpy,207 and 209 Sun to Sun
Verylankey+1 - Phillips: Thurs. - Mon
Macfast and GixxrJoe - Phillips: Wed - Sun
Georgiabusa_05 and Jangalang( George) Wed - Sunday Phillips room 106
laug6615 - Phillips room 120, Early Friday to late Saturday, Newbie!
Phillips Cottage 202 Loomis, BlackSheep, RacerV, Tues to Sun. Mule pack Wed-Sun, WhiteLE on the Couch..
Rosung Petty / ? / Sat - Sun
Darciedog1 + JustKatie / Phillips 109 / Tues to Sun.
ChattanoogaBusa + 1 @ Phillips: Thurs-Sun
GSX1300R-T and 4 friends/Phillips/Wed-Sun
lankeeyankee / ? / Fri - Sun Be rolling in with Trey Thurs Late Afternoon
Mr Droo + Gregor6 / Microtel / Thurs-Sun (TheShnizzle possibly shacking up as well)
Skydivr/just me/Phillips 117 Thurs-Sun
omslaw + VaBusa/Phillips 122/Thur-Sun
fstbusa and Hooken203 / Phillips 204 / Sat - Sun
Fastfrog007 / Phillips / Sun?- Sun
Fishhook / Phillips 115 Thurs - Sun
The Jellyrugs, Philips 127 Thurs - Sun
Dunno when ill role in, weather and riding company still remain unknown. Ill be there at some point tho
GsxrBots / Phillips / Sun?-Sun?
Crazyarch / Microtel / Thursday afternoonish
Anyone know the password to the wireless at the Phillips?

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner
lankeeyankee said:
Awesome:thumbsup: Does this mean you guys will be out the next 4 days sweeping and spraying VHT on the dragon for us before we get there:please:

If you mean goin through like an old lady and holding everyone else up, yes, we will be doin that for you.

Smellphone via Forum Runner
To all the riders/members attending the bash, wish I could be there but I can't. So here is my words to you "Have fun, be safe and watch out for the idiots, I want you all to return safely :please:!!!"