Spring bash Attendees

Ok im on the move,, to VA that is and then to Robbinsville, on Saturday!
what time you getting there? We are rolling around 3am on Saturday morning and should be there just before dark.
well looks like work and other forces are conspiring against me :banghead: I'm gonna have to bow out of this one. :( you guys all have a great time :thumbsup:
Anyone know what the total attendance count is yet? Looks like its about time to start doing the "rain, rain, go away" song. Extended forecast is looking a little wet.:banghead:
I looked today, and it only looked like Saturday.. Hmmm maybe I'll look again. :banghead:
Anyone know what the total attendance count is yet? Looks like its about time to start doing the "rain, rain, go away" song. Extended forecast is looking a little wet.:banghead:
We dont talk about that here. It will be fine.
see if deals gap has any rooms... pretty bare bones there but its only 18miles away.
Sorry guys! I hate to miss this but something came up! Hope everyone has a good time and if I can make one day or something I will try. Phillips room 115 just canceled if anyone needs a room!
Room 115 at the Phillips up for grabs!:thumbsup:

Big E + 5 - Phillips: Wed - Sun
TwoBrothersBusa +1 - Phillips: Thurs - Sun
Tiller + 1 - Phillips: Thurs - Sun
SKECHE - maybe
semi - Phillips: Wed-Sun riding
Gixerhp, mizmooza,Dngrumpy,207 and 209 Sun to Sun
Verylankey+1 - Phillips: Thurs. - Mon
Macfast and GixxrJoe - Phillips: Wed - Sun
Georgiabusa_05 and Jangalang( George) Wed - Sunday Phillips room 106
laug6615 - Phillips room 120, Early Friday to late Saturday, Newbie!
Phillips Cottage 202 Loomis, BlackSheep, RacerV, Tues to Sun. Mule pack Wed-Sun, WhiteLE on the Couch..
Rosung Petty / ? / Sat - Sun
Darciedog1 + JustKatie / Phillips 109 / Tues to Sun.
ChattanoogaBusa + 1 @ Phillips: Thurs-Sun
GSX1300R-T and 4 friends/Phillips/Wed-Sun
lankeeyankee / ? / Fri - Sun
powerjunkie / ? / ? - Sun
Mr Droo + Gregor6 / Microtel / Thurs-Sun (TheShnizzle possibly shacking up as well)
Skydivr/just me/Phillips 117 Thurs-Sun
omslaw + VaBusa/Phillips 122/Thur-Sun
fstbusa and Hooken203 / Phillips 204 / Sat - Sun
Fastfrog007 / Phillips / Sun?- Sun
The Jellyrugs, Philips 127 Thurs - Sun
Dunno when ill role in, weather and riding company still remain unknown. Ill be there at some point tho
GsxrBots / Phillips / Sun?-Sun?
Crazyarch / Microtel / Thursday afternoonish