Spring bash Attendees

Big E + 5 - Phillips: Wed - Sun
TwoBrothersBusa +1 - Phillips: Thurs - Sun
Tiller + 1 - Phillips: Thurs - Sun
SKECHE - maybe
semi - Phillips: Wed-Sun riding
Gixerhp, mizmooza,Dngrumpy,207 and 209 Sun to Sun
Verylankey+1 - Phillips: Thurs. - Mon
Macfast and GixxrJoe - Phillips: Wed - Sun
Georgiabusa_05 and Jangalang( George) Wed - Sunday Phillips room 106
laug6615 - Phillips room 120, Early Friday to late Saturday, Newbie!
Phillips Cottage 202 Loomis, BlackSheep, RacerV, Tues to Sun. Mule pack Wed-Sun, WhiteLE on the Couch..
Rosung Petty / ? / Sat - Sun
Darciedog1 + JustKatie / Phillips 109 / Tues to Sun.
ChattanoogaBusa + 1 @ Phillips: Thurs-Sun
GSX1300R-T and 4 friends/Phillips/Wed-Sun
lankeeyankee / ? / Fri - Sun Be rolling in with Trey Thurs Late Afternoon
Mr Droo + Gregor6 / Microtel / Thurs-Sun (TheShnizzle possibly shacking up as well)
Skydivr/just me/Phillips 117 Thurs-Sun
omslaw + VaBusa/Phillips 122/Thur-Sun
fstbusa and Hooken203 / Phillips 204 / Sat - Sun
Fastfrog007 / Phillips / Sun?- Sun
The Jellyrugs, Philips 127 Thurs - Sun
Dunno when ill role in, weather and riding company still remain unknown. Ill be there at some point tho
GsxrBots / Phillips / Sun?-Sun?
Crazyarch / Microtel / Thursday afternoonish
Got room with extra double and twin bed anyone need a place to lay down. Friday & Saturday night 20th & 21st.
Well, Looks like it's just me and RacerV in cottage 201, At this point, SO if anybody wants a Single room with Two Twin Beds in it, Pm ME.. I staying from Tuesday Afternoon 4/17 to Sunday 4/22
I'm ready.

Oh man! Couple a strips and a Tater...mmmmm....

Just curious who's grill you use there? Yours, grumpys or is there a charcoal type thing there for steak lovers :)?
All the cooking equipment you could want is there. You missed the most important items.
If anyone happens to have an extra room or bed for Wed Thur and maybe Fri night let me know. I am planning on arriving Wed afternoon and have not made any reservations. If nothing at the Phillips develops I can always crash the Microtel.
If anyone happens to have an extra room or bed for Wed Thur and maybe Fri night let me know. I am planning on arriving Wed afternoon and have not made any reservations. If nothing at the Phillips develops I can always crash the Microtel.

Scroll up a bit...looks like Loomis might have space...PM him :thumbsup:
Just kidding! Welcome to the fun shack. We will probably be asleep before you go to bed and gone when you wake up.
Hey guys, I have been checking the weather twice a day, sorry to say it's not looking promising for this week/weekend.....
What is this bad weather you speak of, Wednesday-Saturday not looking bad, only 40% chance during that time. I'll take that chance on rain any day to get a ride in!