Suggestions for next Spring or Fall Bash.

My comment got a like from Captain! Holy Shiznit! I must be wearing him down cuz that has never happened before. Now he will probably take it back.:rofl:
:whistle: reminds me of events i have helped plan.
schedule all sorts of cool rides, and breakout seminars about motorcycle stuff.....and i get to sleep through the rides and cant go to the seminars because of board meetings.:laugh::banghead::laugh:

Good Luck :beerchug:

i'm not in charge of this one. :thumbs:
Here is my opinion on this....

I have been in many groups rides, I have led em, rode sweep in em, big ones, small ones, some went perfect some went fatally wrong.

The main difference in my opinion between the Gap and Eureka are as follows...

In Eureka springs at the Meet N Greet (M&G) the vast majority of the riders have been riding together for many years, we get new folks every year but for the most part the same folks over and over. The bash is different in that some of the folks that are there you only ride with once a year or so and typically people pair up just because of the sheer masses of people...

When I attend these events I try not to get in the middle of everyone's business, both started out with members that wanted to get together not because of something I organized. So with that being said I attend the bash just like the next guy. I try to bring some stuff to give away, I try to help do anything that John and Dave need or help Shawn or Omar with the bikes... I don't have any real stake in the events other than to meet some great people and ride with friends..

At the bash we get a wide variety of people, some have been around for years and some are very new. Some have great riding skills and some don't. At Eureka springs because we all have been around each other so long and we have been riding together on the track, on the street, at my house and on other rides we all know someone has to be in charge... Sportbikes and chaos is not any better a recipe than alcohol and speed.

At Eureka we do everything as a group, go to breakfast, group rides, dinner and visit even in the same areas.. On the group rides we have someone in charge of the ride, their job is to lead and keep everyone from getting lost. We meet the new people and talk to them about riding experience and we take all the ego's and garbage to the curb. The leader does nothing more than keep us on track, the slowest rider will dictate the speed! We run radios in the front, middle and sweep. No one, I mean no one get's left behind. Sweep stays in radio contact with the others and lets the ride leader know if he needs to pick it up and stretch the group out a little or slow down to let folks catch up. If we see someone struggling we take them to the side and have a talk with them, this is not the time for pride! The group all understands that at any point they start acting foolish they may be asked to leave the ride and the group, all understand and honor those limits instituted before we ever leave the parking lot. We make sure that everyone knows to ride their own line and to make sure they keep the testosterone in check, at the water stops we make sure that everyone is hydrated and gets plenty of rest....

At the bash the attitude is typically Gas Gas Gas Brake, which is good and fun most of the time but terrible when things go wrong...

I have been a ride leader at speeds below the posted limit and people have crashed, I have been in group rides where someone let the speed get the best of them and they died, in my arms no less.

Until everyone is willing to openly check their man card at the end of the road at the phillips and understand that their actions can affect others then I am out of group rides with people I don't know. If I can't reserve the right to say something to a person about their riding without them getting upset or be able to ask them to leave then I will have no part of it... There needs to be some approved guidelines for the safety of all, one of my most memoriable rides is the Friday in 2007 when we all rode to Hooters across the skyway.... More than 40 Busas lines up just enjoying the time...

My thoughts...
Great write up Cap, and I totally agree. Its a great idea but from past experence I tend to stay away from groups over 8.
i think what we may need is rides for those new to the Bash and area so they can start learning where everything is...we all had someone show us around the area when we first started attending the Bash (thank you GSXcite :beerchug:) and need to extend this to the newbies as a way of repaying our debt to those who came before us...i know i would have been lost if i hadn't been included in the Midwest group back then
I would take a small group of the newer folks around to some of the cool rides we do, but they would haft to expect a sight seeing pace, not a race. I have lead a ride where someone went down, and we were at a sightseeing pace, but sometimes it just happens, and it really makes you feel terrible, I still feel bad about it.
I would take a small group of the newer folks around to some of the cool rides we do, but they would haft to expect a sight seeing pace, not a race. I have lead a ride where someone went down, and we were at a sightseeing pace, but sometimes it just happens, and it really makes you feel terrible, I still feel bad about it.

I remember riding with you guys the first bash, showing me the ropes, it was great!:thumbsup:
I'll throw my opinion in here! As a long time club rider with cruisers and sport bikes, involved with group rides of numerous sizes, it is common practice to limit group size to 10 bikes maximum. It can be divided by 3 groups of 10, 5 groups of 10, etc., etc.....It is really safer and easier to control the group dynamics. A larger grouping can be successful but it has to be a parade attitude, very well controlled. As mentioned earlier, it is hard for some folks to check their egos, or man card as Cap said, and make sacrifices for the whole. Some people can't do it and that's ok. Another point to consider is not everyone is familiar with the type of riding in the Gap area.

I remember a procession from the CROT to the dam for the group photo shoot. That pace was medium and involved all skill levels and worked great. A large group ride can work!
I haven't been but going to try for this fall. I want to go not to race or show everyone how bad I am. I want to go to meet the people that have become my friends on the org. I want to be able to put faces to there names. If I have to give up my man card for one week of the year to meet new friends and have a great time, I have no problem with that. (you will have to get my man card from the wife though, she always has it in her back pocket) it would be nice if there was a couple riders that would show us newbs around the area though:D
I'll throw my opinion in here! As a long time club rider with cruisers and sport bikes, involved with group rides of numerous sizes, it is common practice to limit group size to 10 bikes maximum. It can be divided by 3 groups of 10, 5 groups of 10, etc., etc.....It is really safer and easier to control the group dynamics. A larger grouping can be successful but it has to be a parade attitude, very well controlled. As mentioned earlier, it is hard for some folks to check their egos, or man card as Cap said, and make sacrifices for the whole. Some people can't do it and that's ok. Another point to consider is not everyone is familiar with the type of riding in the Gap area.

I remember a procession from the CROT to the dam for the group photo shoot. That pace was medium and involved all skill levels and worked great. A large group ride can work!
Yes, that was the Vman tribute ride. I think everyone was still asleep :)
So hear are my thoughts, If we plan a group ride on the skyway. Say for example we have 40 riders as a whole group, We break that 40 into 8 groups, 5 riders per group. Start with the most experienced riders leading each of the groups if we have willing volunteers, the first group being the most experienced and riders skill levels put in the groups accordingly with the last group being the least experienced or new riders. This way we can have a Large group ride, and 3 or 4 break or check points and have a safe group ride. I'll take any other suggestions.

Captain has a good point, Fact of the matter is, Small group Large groups, WE HAVE TO KEEP it SAFE, because things can happen in a small or large group, it depends on the individuals riders actions in the group. Keep a safe distance, use hand signals and have a discussion with everybody involved in the group ride and lay down the rules and have a plan of the route for all riders.
Skyway Is very cool, having been on the scene of a wreck that required helicopters I will stay in the way back if we ever do that again, the urge to do stupid **** or someone just in over their head is inevitable... Been 100' down in a ravine pulling out a bike that wrecked or in a river lately?
I leave my man card at home, always :rofl: Just sayin'...

I size up who's going on what rides, and have changed my mind at the last second knowing I would be trying to keep up if I chose Ride A, so I head out with Ride B. Until it's completely agreed upon and understood that the slowest rider in a big group sets the pace, I see no point in trying to coordinate a huge ride with all riders at the Bash. I'm not bashing anyone, I'm just fully aware that some go there to ride fast and hard, and others do not. I actually enjoy that we don't all ride the same way or try to do the same rides; leaves choices for everyone based on how they want to ride and with whom they feel most comfortable. It seems that, for the most part, the incidents are fewer when we all ride our own ride...

I'm good with everyone catching up at night over dinner and a moderately heated fire (that's for you Peter, and Tim :p )
I leave my man card at home, always :rofl: Just sayin'...

I size up who's going on what rides, and have changed my mind at the last second knowing I would be trying to keep up if I chose Ride A, so I head out with Ride B. Until it's completely agreed upon and understood that the slowest rider in a big group sets the pace, I see no point in trying to coordinate a huge ride with all riders at the Bash. I'm not bashing anyone, I'm just fully aware that some go there to ride fast and hard, and others do not. I actually enjoy that we don't all ride the same way or try to do the same rides; leaves choices for everyone based on how they want to ride and with whom they feel most comfortable. It seems that, for the most part, the incidents are fewer when we all ride our own ride...

I'm good with everyone catching up at night over dinner and a moderately heated fire (that's for you Peter, and Tim :p )

Better not give Omar his card back for the Bash :poke:
Yes, that was the Vman tribute ride. I think everyone was still asleep :)

Actually it was the '06 Spring(?) Bash, Vman was there ripping the big curve at the dam entrance. Unfortunately I missed the tribute ride.....
Nope, you're wrong.

??? Hmmm, Busa Bash, April 2006....VMan in the curve!


Lined up at the dam!

??? Hmmm, Busa Bash, April 2006....VMan in the curve!


Lined up at the dam!

That wasn't the memorial procession through the dragon.....which is what I thought we were talking about. I was wrong. Sorry Poppy.