Brand me a trader

That thing is sweet. Im checking flights right now...I'm pretty sure the wife is on board too. Im going to carmax after work to see what they are offering me for my truck and will let you know. Can you hold if off of the lot until tomorrow.

SLOW DOWN Charlie!! Play your cards right so you can drive that thing back during the BASH!! :whistle:

I've got the keys in my desk so it will take anyone awhile to find them but the gm made me put it out :(
Pretty slow day here. Good chance it will be here in the morning :please:
I will know in a couple hours... I hate to have a payment but that is only $40 more that what Im paying on my truck so its okay.
He can complete paperwork and take ownership and I'll keep it at my house but at the price I'm selling it for it won't be here long. I need to get it off the lot if he wants it.
Absolutely nothing wrong with what you are doing, in fact, i respect it! i am all about family, if it meant donating a kidney, i'd do it... so to see someone sacrifice what he loves for the betterment of his family, hats off to you sir... good luck to you and your family... as a good christian would say " god never gives you more than you can handle...." i find that hard to believe after life's lessons, but here i am still... so maybe!
If you get the suv from B Boo you can stop by on your way home and say hello. We are just off of I10.
You have to do what you have to do, your not a traitor for supporting your family, you are loyal.