Brand new 2011 BUSA is totaled

Ins claims adjuster came today and said bike looks totaled. He took notes and pics, and will call me in two days. I think once I pay this Nike off I will be done riding. I am lucky enough to walk away from this with a shattered arm. My daughter begged me not to ride again and you can't argue with that.
Ins claims adjuster came today and said bike looks totaled. He took notes and pics, and will call me in two days. I think once I pay this Nike off I will be done riding. I am lucky enough to walk away from this with a shattered arm. My daughter begged me not to ride again and you can't argue with that.

Glad you are still around for her to say that too. Take care brother, and always keep an eye out for those of us still on 2 wheels.
JZ, I had a similar experience one year ago this month: Munchie's Down

Which led to: Offer Made

I tried to play the nice guy in all this, and ended up getting a lot of frustration as a reward. The gear I had on was literally only a few weeks old, and the adjuster wanted me to "call around to see what it would cost to fix my shredded textile jacket".

I would buy the bike back, then part it out. I paid ~$2,300 for mine as a buy back, but the engine alone is worth more than that. The ladies insurance comp was Travelers.

Do your freakin rehab!:rulez:
Do not sign a medical release. They were dead after getting my every need met...we'll take care of everything...once I signed the release...crickets. Then it was me chasing them. Took months to get a settlement.

PM me if you have any questions for me...I dont get to the Org as much as I wish and sometimes miss replies in my posts.