My wife is from Sao Paulo Brazil. They are not all like that...
I have to wonder how bad or large the incisions to remove the needles will need to be.
My wife is from Sao Paulo Brazil. They are not all like that...
. how about the mojave desert, we'll compromise.People like that lose the right to remain with civilized society.
There is nothing to redeem.
I still like my idea. Fraction of the cost of what we're doing now:
200 square miles of the most uninhabitable wasteland in the U.S., preferably somewhere in Montana or North Dakota.
One 16" fence surrounding the perimeter (Put some metalworkers to work).
Motion sensors 5 miles inside the fence (The techies get paid, too).
Detach a squad of Marines and a Super Cobra (Call it "training"). Rotate them every 3 months (No need for hog all the free time).
When a perverted scum is convicted, fly him and his other freak, sick, buddies to the middle of the "prison" and drop them off, butt naked (Let them all get their last bit of freakery on with themselves).
Inform them, "You're 100 miles from the fence in any direction. Knock yourselves out. IF you make it to the fence without getting eaten, maimed and survive the elements you will have earned the right to be shot on-sight. See 'ya".
Easiest duty a Marine ever had. Damn cheaper than Death Row or Life.
. how about the mojave desert, we'll compromise.
I think of my own little boy and this breaks my heart that people can treat innocent children this way.
lol, they don't eat junk food.
Yes, and he needs to be hospitalized and rehabilitated.
does an M4 fit in the overhead?
They dont have firing squads down there? Ill be on the next flight, does an M4 fit in the overhead?
i think if you break it down, the M4 should fit. i say do it with a BB gun, it'd take longer, and probably be cheaper.
wonder how tough Brazillian laws are about child abuse and attempted murder of a child?
i dont think you have to worry about laws. gotta wonder how the public will take care of this guy.
I say do it with a BB gun, it'd take longer, and probably be cheaper.
He needs his own firing range dedicated to in each knee and work from the outer extremities inward~!!~
Start out with 22 shorts~!!~