BT's Fitness Progress...

That's awesome, BT!!
Melting them inches right away~
Keep up the great work ethic, brother~
It's amazing how much faster my Busa has got since
I dropped of some extra weight~ Best mod ever!!
Yeah, Da' Train seems to wheelie a little easier already. Not that it had a problem doin' it before I started slimmin' down!

BT, U Da Man !! Keep it up bro and also keep us in the loop, you are inspiring ton's of folk here ! he he....yes, the pun was intended ;-) Also, to keep your avitar sig true (Board Photo Slut), keep sending the pics this way ! That pic on top is dramatic and helped you as well as many of us here to get motivated. I am heading home tonight to get my bicycle back in shape to ride after a 2 year MIA.
BT, U Da Man !! Keep it up bro and also keep us in the loop, you are inspiring ton's of folk here  ! he he....yes, the pun was intended ;-) Also, to keep your avitar sig true (Board Photo Slut), keep sending the pics this way ! That pic on top is dramatic and helped you as well as many of us here to get motivated. I am heading home tonight to get my bicycle back in shape to ride after a 2 year MIA.
Thanks Doc.
It's great if sharing my progress motivates anyone else into gettin' started on something that will improve their health.
Congrats Bullet... It is true, you can't see the progress sometime just by looking in the mirror. Keep it up and keep us all posted.

Sorry I didn't pick this thread up earlier. You're doing AWESOME!

Keep up the great work. In addition to the increased energy, stamina and other assorted and various sundry extras you're gonna experience (he he) you'll find any back problems you might have experienced will diminish.

Congrats on the new you and...

BTW - I wanna see you in one of those Skyline Busa shirts!
I'm down about 50 pounds. Kind of slacked off of the workin' out and it has slowed, but I'm about to get back on the bandwagon and get things rollin' again. At least I haven't inched back up any since the lay off from the gym.

I'm already to the point of needin' some new clothes. They're gettin' rather baggy!
gratz 'train! My paunch has grown some in the last few years between work on the road (eat out every day) and while home sitting on a bike or watching movies

I may follow suit and try to slice off 25 or so pounds. Any tips from the sultan of dieting?
gratz 'train! My paunch has grown some in the last few years between work on the road (eat out every day) and while home sitting on a bike or watching movies

I may follow suit and try to slice off 25 or so pounds. Any tips from the sultan of dieting?
The best tip I can give anyone is this... Do NOT underestimate the value of exercise. While my eating has remained the same during my off period from the gym, my weight loss has slowed down incredibly.
Nice go'n Train, as Michelle has already said just take your time and gradually lose the weight. There is no need to lQQK in the mirror to see what you have loss ,""sweating"" is a clear sign that you are burning fat. The only downside to looseing wieght is financially with having to buy overpriced price diet foods and a new wardrode for the nu you.

Keep up the good work Pimp