Busa Bash IV  "Deals Gap Revisited"

Busa Bash IV  "Deals Gap Revisited" - Dates Remember Majority Rules So Vote

  • September 1st thru 4th

    Votes: 25 100.0%
  • September 8th thru 11th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • September 15 thru 18th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • September 22nd thru 25th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • September 29th thru August 2nd

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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whadda ya say Creekboy, time to make a decision. Lets get the ball rolling.

As for places to stay. I will more than likely stay at Fontana Village on 28. My wife will be making the trip along with her sister and her son. There are a few activities at the village for those who are not riding.

There is a pool, games and activities all day. They have cabins and hotel rooms at the Inn. The Inn rooms are on par with the Phillips for quality and price. All of the cabins I have stayed in are nice, pricey but nice.
Is there enough room at Fontana villiage for the group?, Or are you doing the "family thing" apart from the group?

28 is a great road towards the dragon, so the location is good. How are they about campfires, music, beer, and bikes?

Have a good evening.

Oh and by the way.

Kevin, I'm going to need sprockets and a chain before the event, sometime in the near future.

I'll give you a call in the next week.

Is there enough room at Fontana villiage for the group?, Or are you doing the "family thing" apart from the group?

28 is a great road towards the dragon, so the location is good.  How are they about campfires, music, beer, and bikes?

Have a good evening.

There is tons of room at Fontana. Most all of the larger rallies I attend at the Gap are held there(R1-Forum, FZ1OA). Info can be found here.

The only reason I plan on staying there is while I am out cruising and obeying all traffic laws, the family will have something to do. They have a pool, tennis courts and other activities.

My sister in law, Cindy, just lost her husband to a very unexpected death on Mothers Day. She is the same person who broke her back last year on a 4 wheeler accident. To say they have has a rough year is a understatement. Their whole family are advil enthusists. She rides a VStar 650 and her son loves to ride.

I am not or will not try to replace Mike but I want to make sure they have thing to do and places to go. I will be bringing both of my bikes, the busa and the ST11, just in case she wants to go for a little ride.

Sorry for the rant and kind of a thread jack, but that is why I will plan on staying there. If they decide not to go, I am open to anywhere. Just make sure there is pleanty of firewoon and kindling.......
ok, I know I will be there for labor day and I will be staying at tellico plains. There is a place that rents cabins on the river for 67 a night.

Im lookin forward to being there only problem, Ill be following a bunch of crusiers. My pops and some cousins are goin with me and thay all ride the crusiers so Ill be the only sport bike there for my trip.

Hope we all have fun. IF any of you are around Ill be sure to say Hi.
I've had it with holidays at Deals Gap, I was there on the 4th. Too many people, too many cars and cruisers. The end of September looks good.
This thread doesn't seem to be getting much traffic.

I don't think everyone is looking under polls. Do ya think we should move it to the general discussion area.

It would be nice if we could get a sizeable group this time also.


I had a post in the general section directing guys here with a link.

Still didnt get too much traffic.

It dosent look like too many are real interested in a Fall Trip. I am still going with a slight plan change. I will be staying at the Phillips. SIL and nephew will not be making the trip. No need to spring for a cabin at Fontana.


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well lets start bangin the drum laugh.gif I think this fall trip will be great, first weekend in Oct is perfect if the weather holds out. I have a few friends interested in it and I *might* be riding 2 up for this one wow.gif

Fall VA ride all over creation is Oct 7-9 so we need to nail this one down ASAP so we dont have too much friendly competition wink.gif I think some of the VA guys might make it down if we promise to make it up for thier 450mile jaunt across VA/WV smile.gif
still interested here, probally be Saturday before I can make it up. I want to stay with the group, so I hope we can deciede on a place soon so we can make reservations. Place doesnt matter to me so count me in.
Okay as I said earlier we would take the poll and go with it, I hope those that didn't think they could make it, can someway be able to, I wished we had more of a response then we have, but Anyways the call is made so guys and gals the annoucment is....drum role please..........September 29th thru October 1st, will post restaurants, hotels, motels, and events we will plan....Good luck to all and I look forward to seeing everyone here...
So are we doing the Phillips thing again, now that Kevin has changed his plans. We are good to go, where ever the group decides to stay. We are probably going to stay a week or so.

Have a great day,

I just made my reservations at the Phillips today for Friday-Sunday.

Hope there is alot of Firewood......

Is anyone planning to stay Sunday night? I probally will if others are planning to. I cant come up until Saturday afternoon. Just wondering before I make reservations.
I cant stay Sunday night, have to be back to work. I know Chris is planning on staying a week. I dont know if it would be the week previous or after....
Think I will just make reservations for Sat. night and then see about Sunday night. My Daughter has a cheerleading comp. Saturday morning then we will be leaving after that.
i was there for the spring bash and would not miss the fall one
so were is everybody staying at and what are the foreshure dates
When You all figure out a date, Ill be there within an hour and a half from leaving my house, lol Its nice to live in north Ga
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