Busa vs. zx-14....who's king now


Haven't heard much about the Kawi ZX-14....Do us Busa owners have anything to worry about?
Has the Busa finally met it's match?
My opinion it's kind of ugly.

What are your thought?
No worries here, love my baby and wouldn't trade her for the world. Greatest bike on the planet, all hail the "King" even though she is a Queen...
this topic is beat to death---of course the 14 performs better---its only compition is a 7 year old bike.
No worries here, love my baby and wouldn't trade her for the world.  Greatest bike on the planet, all hail the "King" even though she is a Queen...
A Queen?  I can live with that as long as it's not the Drag Queen.  The thought of a cross-dressing Busa gives me the creeps!  
Queen as in mine is a "she", we can always look at it as a chess game. Queen is the most dangerous piece on the board. Definitely no cross-dressing...



zx what?  It's the new hype bike...great now we'll know who the squidlies are.  I love my baby and only plan on giving it a few mods and custom paint.  One advantage the 14 has over the busa is the mobile grills baby.  Flame broiled burger anyone? There is always a cookout with that baby.  Hey it's raining, no problem let's take the grills over to the park, let's take the grills to the beach, let's put the grills in the garage.  Man awesome addition Kawasaki, wish Suzuki would have thought of that............well maybe not

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Yeah, this is an OLD Topic but what the heck, this is a message board eh?

Actually, I was at the local Kawi dealer last Friday to buy some kids moto-x riding gear and they had a 14! It was red, real red, all red, bout the color of the red in the '05 red / black Busa. I asked if I could sit on it and they let me.
Actually, the thing is pretty comfortable, has a more upright riding position than a Busa and it felt pretty good just sitting there.
Me and my 10 year old both agreed that what they may have accomplished in power was more than counter balanced in looks, in all honesty - all Busa allegiance aside - the thing is as ugly as home made soap!

I dont see it being a big seller...
what are we cooking today...ahot dogs or burgers? this thing just going on and on and on...at least,
we have something to cook on...(foreman grill...)
Could have bought one, looked at them, bought my Busa instead. Both truly great machines, no reason to throw caca at the Kawi but I like the Busa better. They just blew it on a couple of the styling cues, if the aftermarket picks up on that and comes up with an answer to the timing retard that will be one bad bike.
I firmly believe that at THIS point of time - it is a faster bike. It is not, however, the better bike for a variety of reasons:

* Untried and Untested...already been a few recalls on it - I dont want to be a Beta-Tester
* Looks - the cosmetics will divide the riding world with more effect than even the eyeabusah!
* Low end response - Sub 6K rpm the ride is a snoozefest...I hope they come up with ECU revisions to change this...Dynojet perhaps?

I think it is a better bike for long distance touring. Better bike for riding 2-up. More wind protection than the Busa. Better instrument cluster. I think the instrument cluster is fantastic! The Busa really shows it's age when it comes to this department...rubbish instrument cluster

I wish someone would make an aftermarket one that slots right in but has digital speed, gear indication and stuff...
I firmly believe that at THIS point of time - it is a faster bike. It is not, however, the better bike for a variety of reasons:

* Untried and Untested...already been a few recalls on it - I dont want to be a Beta-Tester
* Looks - the cosmetics will divide the riding world with more effect than even the eyeabusah!
* Low end response - Sub 6K rpm the ride is a snoozefest...I hope they come up with ECU revisions to change this...Dynojet perhaps?

I think it is a better bike for long distance touring. Better bike for riding 2-up. More wind protection than the Busa. Better instrument cluster. I think the instrument cluster is fantastic! The Busa really shows it's age when it comes to this department...rubbish instrument cluster

I wish someone would make an aftermarket one that slots right in but has digital speed, gear indication and stuff...
You go boy!!

+1 to all that.
Well, i am new to the site but hands down the busa is the best bike ever, for dinner I eat 14's up so you go figure and i have only two modifications 6 inch swing arm ext. blocks and after market pipes Yos.
Who dredged this up from the archives? :poke:

Oh..:laugh: welcome to the board country!

Everyone knows its a moot point with the zx-14 now!