Busas gone wrong.


Orange is the fastest
You know what i'm talking about...  Your riding around and you come upon another Busa.... except this isn't your average Kanji labeled machine, no; this Busa's gone down a path of wrong.
I was at Coleman Powersports in Woodbridge, Va 2 weeks ago and saw a Busa covered in reflective tape. Now i understand a person wanting to be safe an all, but come on! This person had effectively destroyed the look of his bike. I was thinking WTF? Not to mention that it was dirty as hell, one word... SOAP!! If your THAT worried about getting hit, sell the bike and drive a cage. All i could imagine is the owner covered in reflective material and the whole owner/bike combo rolling down the road looking like a UFO.
I've seen the completely ragged Busa's too. The kind that look like they haven't seen any work since the workers at Suzuki put them together. This irritates me to the point that i just want to walk over,  take their bike from them and say they're banned from owning or operating any motorcycle until further notice. I know it may be my opinion and maybe alittle strange, but i tend to think of motorcycles as living things to be respected, pets if you will, that deserve good owners and maintenence.

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Always fun to see the early 90's craze of adding Fur or Carpet to the whole bike....even seen it on a busa not too long ago....done in orange and black zebra strip fur...with orange tires...now that was something special
I think this is Rossi's Busa... see the #46 on the windscreen? Could be a squid though...

i hear you there is an older guy here in town with a busa like a 99. i went to his shopp b/s ing with him and i look and it has atleast an inch of dust on it and it is in his showroom so i told him give me the keys cause no bike should ever look like this so i took it home yeah got on it a little bit he had yosh cans so i wanted so see the power they provided. so 2 hours later and a can of honda polish it was done and i said to him you just let me keep it in my garage and i will make sure it is always clean he didnt like that i told him there is not one day a year that mine is dirty
I use stuff got from Zuk dealership called "wipedown" probably same kinda stuff. It's a wax and cleaner in one. Between that and the cloth diapers my baby never sees water unless I get caught in the rain. Which is kinda love hate. Hate cause I am ridin in the rain. Lov e cause the wife don't even ask how long I am going to be cleaning it as I walk to the garage with Q-tips and a magnifying glass, I like cleaning my bike

Always fun to see the early 90's craze of adding Fur or Carpet to the whole bike....even seen it on a busa not too long ago....done in orange and black zebra strip fur...with orange tires...now that was something special
Saw one with leopard print in purple and black
Yeah I tell ya. I saw this guy named Bulletrain on here that actually let his hayabusa turn into a ZX10! Now hows that for messing up your Busa? haha. I don't know if he even gets on here anymore so I thought I'd post this and see if it gets his attention. haha
OMFG!!! That "is" the most fugged up Busa I've seen (pink w/ rhinestones). Just terrible. What's so freakin' funny is that that guy thinks he is the MacDaddy on that bike. The "Joker" doesn't realize people aren't laughing w/ him but at his bike.
While I admire the young man's passion and pride I goota say that he has turned 'bling' into a four letter word! The bike looks like a Dame Edna tribute.

Ahhhh yes indeed, a clean bike is a happy bike. My family and friends laugh at my cleaning routine......she gets a complete going over and wipe down after every ride. Once a month, it's a wash and wax job. My garage light never goes out unless she's better than showroom shiny!