Are you sure your okay ? That pictures makes me cringe everytime I look at it . And by the looks of things you have plenty to ride till the 07 comes out so sit back and wait it won't be that much longer . If you buy back salvage and try to rebuild I'm sure we all have stuff laying around not being used . I have a stock exhaust headers , mid-pipe and cans you could have for just shipping . If I wasn't between jobs I'd ship em to you for nothing . Let me know . Take care of yourself man I got hit by a cager once and the day after is when things really started to hurt . Well my broke leg hurt right away but you know what I mean .last one
LISTEN TO THIS STATEMENT PLEASE!!!!!! I can't stress this enough. You did the right thing by going to the ER after the wreck. Back injuries are funny about not showing up right away. Call a good lawyer and make the idiot pay!! Insurance company are out for themselves. A good lawyer will even the playing feild for you. Sorry about the wreck. You must have had the death grip on your bike to ride that to a stop! Very impressive.Thank God you're ok. You may want to hire your own lawyer in case any injuries come up in the following weeks or months, and certainly you'll want a lawyer before you sign anything from the insurance company. Always be careful of what you say and to whom you say it. And if you need any help, let us know.
+1Glad you are okay friggin idiot driving the cage![]()