Can I Handle the \'Busa??


I don't doubt that for a second. It's one thing to be on an open road that you know and crank it up and another to run from the cops in heavy traffic.

I will speed, but I won't put others at risk or risk my life unnecessarily. I want to live to ride another day.

Will I ride my bike to it's speed limit? Probably not. Will I enjoy it? Certainly.
Hey Wildcat, congrats on your decision to buy a busa. Where did you buy your bikes from? House of motorcycles? Funbike center? Southbay? Quinseys?

Ride safe.
wildcat , you will see one day, when you stop for the police. and yes you will speed with this bike. i dont care who you are it happens. maybe not "phenominal" speed but an accidental 15 over will get your azz pulled over. besides back to my post. i could run from the cops at 30mph in traffic. they cant run over cars or hit cars. i simple squeeze in the cracks. anyway i dont feel like fighting about this. ride safe on the bus. it is not a toy . and most likely if your "so mature and responsible" that will make you wreck one day. braking in front of someone to fast, not swerving, that all happens when you never ride the bike to the limit. you dont know what it will do when you have to do it. dont dump.
another thing if you are not good enough on a bike to ride this guys busa on the road you are a DEATH waiting to happen.i have run in to guys like you with my bike or cbr1100's. i stay as far away as possibe.

another thing. "i didnt buy this bike to go fast, i have nothing to prove."

are you a drug addict publicly or private??thats the stupidist comment ive ever heard. NO, i didnt buy this viper to go fast just for looks.
you bought the bike for the wrong reason. i think you should look into harley davidson.
Wildcat said, "I didn't buy this bike to go fast. I have nothing to prove."

crod2000 responds, "thats the stupidist comment ive ever heard."

If my comment is most stupid you've ever heard, then go back and read your posts about running from cops through traffic. Forget about the cops for a second. Consider the people who may step out in front of you as you flee the cops. Running from cops was so common here in California that cops have to make a judgement call about whether or not to enter into a chase.

Further, I'm probably considered a big guy at 5'9" 215lbs. Smaller bikes are too uncomfortable and twisted my body in ways that it couldn't hold for long periods. I'm not 18 anymore. I think someone said it right, "The 'Busa rides like a Cadillac." That what I wanted. So, my young friend, there are considerations other than speed that led me to my bike choice.
MASTER C_ROD2000's WISDOM AND SAGE ADVICE OF THE DAY (aka Smart tips and tricks for the novice superbike rider.) (Compiled courtesy of the grateful Mr. Wildcat)

Wildcat said, "I didn't buy this bike to go fast."

Master c_rod2000 responds, “thats the stupidist comment ive ever heard.â€￾

(Really? try these on for size and you be the judge)-

c_rod2000: “. i never out ride my limits, especially when evading the police. i just dont lose my cool and do like 140 mph down a crowded street. i take control and do like 60 or 70mph. thats all thats needed in heavy traffic. . . its brains over adrenalin.â€￾

“i could run from the cops at 30mph in trafficâ€￾

“if your "so mature and responsible" that will make you wreck one day.â€￾
MASTER C_ROD2000's WISDOM AND SAGE ADVICE OF THE DAY (aka Smart tips and tricks for the novice superbike rider.) (Compiled courtesy of the grateful Mr. Wildcat)

Wildcat said, "I didn't buy this bike to go fast."

Master c_rod2000 responds, “thats the stupidist comment ive ever heard.â€￾

(Really? try these on for size and you be the judge)-

c_rod2000: “. i never out ride my limits, especially when evading the police. i just dont lose my cool and do like 140 mph down a crowded street. i take control and do like 60 or 70mph. thats all thats needed in heavy traffic. . . its brains over adrenalin.â€￾

“i could run from the cops at 30mph in trafficâ€￾

“if your "so mature and responsible" that will make you wreck one day.â€￾
ok ill admit that is a pretty good excuse. but honestly i dont know why you didnt want a hog. anyway it is a lot diff. runing from the cops in michigan than cali. i was in cali a few times. thier is noway in hell your gonna get anywhere in traffic. helll in mich. you would probably even "run". lol traffic means 9-10 cars and a long straight. see ya. seriously though ,dont underestimate the bus when you start getting the courage to do stuff. (go fast ect.)the only reason i have experience is because this was not the first "fast"bike i had. i even admit it. if i had this as my first bike i would have wrecked it the first week. (showing off, riding outside ability) i rode for 2 years before i got this thing. it is a suprisingly easy bike to ride fast/slow. the only time it will bite is when the nutty meter kicks in. this bike does stuff hardly any other stock bike will do(so easily or at all). im talkin about braking the tire sideways while leaned over in 1st turning corners. wheelies. moving roll ons. this thing will do 140mph before you can blink.all of us become better riders while learning stunts, speed or whatever. i myself can do feet up doughnuts, gas tank burnouts, stand on seat no hands ect. i have had a few incidents as in panic wise on the bus. not while doin these stunts but avoiding traffic. if i wouldnt have known how the bike acts under uncontrolled sliding , front washing out, i would have dumped it. no question. it is not that "stupid" to do burnouts and stunts. especially in your case . if you have another bike on disposal practice with that so you wont have to worry about tipping over with the busa. try it you will learn a lot about a bike. honest advice.
i have seen that mag also. that is amature stuff. it is true though . hard to believe but it is. you will never get caught off gaurd.
I do want a hog...just not yet. It'll take me about a year to pay off the Suzuki. The weather here is so nice & the roads are so perfect for sportbike riding. It must be a different rush between a Harley and the Bus. I'll let you know.
If you ride outside of your abilities you will eventually get hurt. That's just the facts of any extreme sport. I've known people who have been scarred badly or killed on full suspension mountain bikes, so should they not sell them at Kmart to little kids because they don't have the experience to rid a full susp bike. No! It all depends on the way the machine is used. I agree if you respect the machine and have good coordination (be able to move your wrist just a tiny bit) then you should be okay. So the bike doesn't come alive until past 5K rpm, then until you are extremely confident below that don't approach the danger zone. And as for accidental situations like someone pulling out in front of you or coming into a corner too fast (STUPID), then it would probably have happened on a "smaller" bike. My little brother's 600 could get a stupid rider in alot of trouble. As for experience, well I see a lot of PROFESSIONAL riders go down during races. Why, because they are pushing the envelope and HEY! the power of the machine becomes too much for that particular situation. Most of them have been riding since at least 4-5 years old. As long as you ride WELL within your limits you should be okay and if anything does happen it will probably be that dumb car driver that somehow after 15 years of EXPERIENCE in a car still can't drive's fault. There are idiots everywhere, it just is more noticeable with motorcycles because more coordination between the mind, body, and machine is required.

You insults aside, you say, "This just shows that not only are you the fool you claim not to be but you are a delusional fool as well and "Everyone who has been riding for a while has heard this too many times to count. It is always followed a few weeks later by, "Did you hear what happened to (Insert name here). I just feel bad for his family."

The difference here is that I have another bike to ride and I have patience. Many people don't have that option. I don't worhsip this bike. I have other interests and certainly won't sit in my garage beating my meat praying for the day when I feel confident enough to ride.

I'm not buying this bike to ride fast, I have nothing to prove.

I don't know how your friend were killed, perhaps theyu weren't acting responosibly or had a foolish moment.

My friend was helping me ride yesterday on the ZX-7. I was quick and easy to get started. The 'Busa sat in the carton in my garage...The 7 is plenty fun...Getting started is a breeze and I see how easy it is to be killed is you're not careful...I rode his 'Busa a little around the lot to get a feel for it..nice and smooth...bigger than the 7 but still easy to handle and appraoched with caution.
Not sure of your friends knowledge base, but if you're in a parking lot (confined area) and you get comfortable with the bike and start to speed up (to where and using the perimeters of the surface) be sure you guys cover "target fixation", "looking through turns", and "counter steering". Failing in these are typical beginners mistakes that cause collisions.

When is your MSF course ?
Course is next month.

My friend is the same guy I bought the bike from and he's been riding for many years.

The parking lot is less parking lot and more wide open space. There's plent of room to do manuevers.

What is target fixation?
Target Fixation (in this context) is when you focus your attention on an obstacle you want to avoid and end up running right into (or over) it primarily because of the tendency we all have to go where we focus (look). I know it sounds stupid - but it really happens.

Emagine driving down a twisty mountain road and you spot a Pine cone in your path. If you stare at it, you're probably going to hit it even though you are conciously trying to avoid it. Instead , look where you want to go (a path avioding the cone and thru the turn) adjust your turn and you'll easily miss the cone.

A lot of accidents happen when a rider is going wide in a turn. They panic and fixate on the curb, berm, shoulder, or cliff and end insuring they will crash. The thing to do is to look thru the turn (where you want to go, and away from the obstacle), tighten the turn and trust your tires.

Most motorcycle accendents where the bike strikes an obstacle are usualy straight in skids (either the Hurt Report or maybe something I read from NZMSC). There is rarely a swerve or avoidance maneuver. Most would argue it is because the rider fixated on the impending obstacle. One of the hardest things to do is to look away from something you are about to hit. In many cases, an avoidance maneuver could have prevented the collision. BTW - this is where counter steering (at a reflex response level) is essential.

[This message has been edited by CaveDweller (edited 09 August 2000).]
Cavedweller, very good point indeed.

It is really wierd. Try it!!

Nuts :wink:

[This message has been edited by NumbNuts (edited 09 August 2000).]
I think you'll do fine with your new Busa. I came from a 2000 Harley Sportster to a 2000 Busa and I'm about your age. Just practice in some lonely subdivision and get used to it. I think honestly your biggest problem will be speeding tickets so do watch out and I suggest getting a Valentine 1 ASAP I'm not kidding on that one. Good choice in bikes of course :)

I don't even think tickets will be a problem for me. Speeding is just not my style. One of the reasons that I bought the bike is because I know it is the fastest---not because I want to go fast...It's sort of like an ego thing without a desire to test or exercise that ego.

Speaking of Harleys, to 'Busa purchase almost lost to a Road King Classic, but I just wanted to feel the rush that comes with a sport bike. I'll probably look again at the Classic next year when I finish paying for my 'Busa.
dewey and dangermouse,, in the u.s. you have almost no limits on getting a license. anyway dewey. i was 16 when i got my endorsement 2/half yrs. ago. you have to take a motorcycle safety course at community college for like 18 hrs. (6day or 2day course). pretty stupid just cones and sht. the advantage. you are almost gauranteed to pass and its $5.oo cheaper than the endorsement test. it is for people that have never even been on a bike before. i got scared just looking at some of these people tryin to ride!