If you ride outside of your abilities you will eventually get hurt. That's just the facts of any extreme sport. I've known people who have been scarred badly or killed on full suspension mountain bikes, so should they not sell them at Kmart to little kids because they don't have the experience to rid a full susp bike. No! It all depends on the way the machine is used. I agree if you respect the machine and have good coordination (be able to move your wrist just a tiny bit) then you should be okay. So the bike doesn't come alive until past 5K rpm, then until you are extremely confident below that don't approach the danger zone. And as for accidental situations like someone pulling out in front of you or coming into a corner too fast (STUPID), then it would probably have happened on a "smaller" bike. My little brother's 600 could get a stupid rider in alot of trouble. As for experience, well I see a lot of PROFESSIONAL riders go down during races. Why, because they are pushing the envelope and HEY! the power of the machine becomes too much for that particular situation. Most of them have been riding since at least 4-5 years old. As long as you ride WELL within your limits you should be okay and if anything does happen it will probably be that dumb car driver that somehow after 15 years of EXPERIENCE in a car still can't drive's fault. There are idiots everywhere, it just is more noticeable with motorcycles because more coordination between the mind, body, and machine is required.