Caps sitting in the ER

She's doing better... Headache is gone and I have her in the hot tub now.. Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers.. Being able to post during the day helped me to process some of it...

Here is a pic of the truck that hit her.. What is it with white trucks and this family?


Good news that she is home. Sounds like she is getting some TLC. Hope your feeling better Kristie.
Very sorry to hear about this, Cap. Here's hoping for a quick, easy recovery.
Wow!! I bet that was scary!!! Glad she is ok and that she was on a truck not on a bike.
Sorry for the bumber cars. Glad she is fairly ok. Keep an eye on her. Hope they stick it to all those responsible.
She's likely to be reallly sore tomorrow Doug - might as well take the day off if you can...
Already have... She has muscle relaxers I am supposed to keep shoving down her...
I don't know ya or never met you Captain but i am glad she is ok and hope for a quick recovery.
Prayers sent:please:

Best wishes for your wife. I was rear ended last year and had a severe concussion. Make sure you monitor her for the symptoms.

Hope she gets well soon.
Okay so I have her home now, 5 hours in the ER .... No broken bones, nothing they believe to be a permanent problem either. I have 3 prescriptions I need to go get filled and then throw her into the hot tub. I was really worried because she had a bad headache just after the accident and it last up to just a few minutes after they gave her some pain meds...

Thanks for all the responses from you all, it helps to be able to vent on the forum when your sitting in an ER!


That's great to hear the she is OK. I'm sure she is going to be a little sore and I hope she heals up quickly.
Cap glad the little lady is going to be ok. Next couple of days she is going to be sore. I also hope that poor kid that was involved is ok. No kid seat? Parents need to be shot.
Glad to hear your better half is ok Cap... Prayers for a speedy recovery and a uneventful healing process coming her way...:please: