Hehehe... I got 'er!

Congrats on the 10, Like the board says be very careful so it don't bite you. My 929 was very scary fast compared to Lucy she is very stable and rock solid fast. Alot more foregiving, Have fun Bro.
I don't think you have to worry about getting run off from from this board, Now me on the other hand being a poser and all could be a whole nother story.
Congrats on the 10, Like the board says be very careful so it don't bite you. My 929 was very scary fast compared to Lucy she is very stable and rock solid fast. Alot more foregiving, Have fun Bro.
I don't think you have to worry about getting run off from from this board, Now me on the other hand being a poser and all could be a whole nother story.
Thanks DR.
Maybe she won't bite me.
Actually, as much as folks talk about litres bein' nasty and unforgiving, the 10 actually feels "natural" to me. It feels and acts the way I want a sport bike to feel and act. Makes me stay on top of my game and it's actually helpin' me fine tune my ridin'. Train covered up a LOT of my "mistakes" apparently. The 10 makes ya work for it, but when you do, it rewards you with whatever you ask for. Makes ya think more about what yer askin' for from the bike.

I am convinced that with lots of seat time on the 10 I'll become a better rider (in the twisties, where I love to ride) than I would have been with the same amount of seat time on the busa. The 10 simply demands finer, more accurate input. It was a bit wild to begin with, but after only 250+ miles on 'er I feel like I've rode 'er all my life. It feels that natural and effortless for me to go FAST on 'er. It's surprising to me, but it's the truth.

I played fairly hard yesterday. The damper's effect on 'er was quite confidence inspiring. I didn't just jump on and rail though. I just gradually and carefully edged further and further into her abilities. Got nowhere near her limits but I sure expanded mine. 80-85 MPH in some mediocre corners, 120+ sweepers (Oh my God that was fuggin SWEET!), 55-60 mph through fairly tight stuff... not a single hiccup. She handles like a monorail.

I wanted to test 'er out yesterday just to get a feel for 'er. I won't ride like that very often around here. I'll stay a few notches away from the ragged edge normally, just honin' my skills and gettin' in seat time. It just had to be done yesterday. The Demon was screamin' and had to be released. I think she just wanted to show me that what she could do. Maybe she was just scoffin' at the 'busa lid I'm still wearin'.
I think she'll be content now to just enjoy the ride now that she has my respect. I'm sure she'll still demand a good spankin' every now and again. I know Train did...



Congrates on the Kawasokhehehehe!

Looks sharp BT, specially compared to the much sexier, curvier Train.

Don't cut yerself on her bro!

that is a sweet looking bike

do you have a shot of you when you picked up the busa, just to compare

those sharp angle and the black looks bad ass

good luck and learn to ride her progressively
that is a sweet looking bike

do you have a shot of you when you picked up the busa, just to compare

those sharp angle and the black looks bad ass

good luck and learn to ride her progressively
As for comparo pics, I don't have one of me on Train at the dealer because I went by myself to pic 'er up. Didn't have a way to make one there. Here's one shortly after I got 'er home though. Still has reflectors and stickers on it in this one. They didn't last but a few hours.

I've lost some weight and she gained several coats of Zaino and a couple thousand worth of mods since then.
I remember settin' the timer on the tripod mounted camera and runnin' over to jump on before it went off. Missed about three times I think and got shots of me throwin' my leg over.
Funny memories.


And here's the 10R pick up pic... I know someone will mention that the grin is not present in the 10R photo. I think I was tryin' to tell my bud how to work the camera and wasn't ready when he figured it out. I promise you the grin was just as big Saturday as it was July 22, 2003.


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A few more pics from today. Still no Zaino. Maybe this weekend.
Spent today huntin' down spools for the swing arm to use the Pit Bulls. Actually I went with Intuitive Racing's black Delrin Spool/Swingarm Sliders since they didn't have any black anodized Pit Bull spools. After usin' the stands with Train I just can't stand workin' on a bike that's propped on a side stand. I stay scared that I'm gonna push it off the stand and see it hit the floor...
Also got a #2 pin for the Newfront so I can put both ends up.

Lost the sun before I got around to makin' the pics. Better ones to come another day...




Also scored this today at the dealer I bought 'er from. It's a static cling window poster of a black 10R with racin' slicks. I'm gonna get a piece of glass (or plexi) cut to put it on and put it on the wall of my garage. Excellent gagare decoration!

