Caps sitting in the ER

Second and third day are the worst. No more adrenaline and endorphins to help the body deal with it. Hope her second and third day are easy and smooth. Gluck and hope all is better today.
Hope Kristie is doing better today. I think a nice soak in the hot tub and a mimosa would be a great start to her day. Continued prayers for a speedy healing Kristie!
Sorry to hear that Cap.... Glad she's going to be good to go... Please tell me they all went to jail, the child is in CPS custody and waiting for a new and good home!.. lol:banghead:
Thinking of you and your wife Cap. Im glad to see she is ok and your looking after her. Your family is in our prayers, hope she feels better real soon.
Damn Cap, bad luck! I'm glad Mrs Cap came out without serious injury.

Keep us posted.
sorry to hear about this but glad she is going to be fine! prayers sent for a speedy recovery!!