Captain is down.

Wow. Doug get better and give us an update whenever you can...
He way headed to meet up for a ride with a group from his church. His father was following on his Goldwing and carrying Caps oldest son as a passenger. From what I gather Cap was in the left lane about 4-6 lengths in front of his dad running about 45mph. There was a car in the right lane making a right turn. The pickup pulled in front of him from the right across the lane. It looks like the pickup either was going across or was turning left onto the 4-lane and the right turning car blocked both his and Caps view until it was too late. Cap hit the truck in the drivers side door straight up. His dad said it looked like he was still holding the bars as his legs went over his head and he hit the truck. He thought the glass was from the mirror. It looks like the visor came off in the initial impact allowing glass into helmet. The jacket helped as well. His dad related how just before the ride he was cleaning and polishing the busa and it looked great. Doug grabbed his jacket and said, it is hot out but I better go ahead and wear this. Glad he chose to.
Here's to a speedy recovery........

So glad to hear he wasn't hurt too bad........

Get Well Soon Cap.....
Wow hope you get better soon Cap.. Anything we can do to help let us know..
You will be in our prayers.. Doyle-n-Mary
It really sucks that Cap crashed and his bike is totalled, but I'm very glad he isn't hurt too seriously!

Just got off the phone with some Laguna guys(Rich/Owen/etc), and they're all wishing Cap a speedy recovery

Hope all is OK Doug!!

I have just been reading all of this. Unreal!! just didn't think I would ever here this about Doug for some reason?
I just came back from a ride with my son.
Hope all is OK!!

Wow Makes you think
Cap, I am pulling for ya to make a quick recovery. Really sorry to hear about your wreck, just lest us know what we can do for you, Bro.
Doug or Kristy, if you guys need/want anything just give me a hollar. South Carolina ain't that far away! I'm praying for your family......
I'm with The Lamb..............

NOW....where the heck is the idiot that pulled out into oncoming traffic
?............No offense to anyone, I just hate lack-of-paying-attention-types...............they put GOOD people in DANGER......

Heal up Doug !!!!