Captain is down.

(captain @ Jul. 22 2007,17:31)I'm home,,, broken but home .. word has it bike is totaled! Was in the hospital for 24 hours on the dot and now back home. My right eye is gross and swollen, glass cuts on the other eye.. Apparently I ripped my Deltoid and Tricep frm the bone, I go to a ortho doc this week. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.... more to come later I just wanted to say thank you... Here is what I look like now....

glad to see you home already. I called you this afternoon and talked to your mother for a while. She is a great person and you are in good hands. Heal up quickly.
Ouch...sorry to hear about the wreck CAp
Glad that you were wearing your gear...get well soon Bro
Many and many prayers with you, bro! May you heal stronger than one was before.

Much concern and love sent your way!
Honestly, I would never expect this from the Capt. Will say a prayer for U.
PS: I know our Capt can be a little stubborn, but if anyone knows if the Capt needs a little help, please let us know.
Cap, just reading this, you and your family are in our prayers. Godspeed on your recovery.
hey CAP, just letting you know you're in my prayers, and wishing you a
speedy recovery !!!!!

Glad your son was not on your bike, still sucks he had to see that !!!!
I'm so sorry Doug. That picture just looks painful

...not the Monday morning news I like to see around here...just hate the constant reminders that those we care about can fall victim to yet another idiot behind the wheel of a car

Heal fast and I hope the pain is sad to hear about the bike, but bikes can be replaced, you're in my thoughts and if you need anything, let us know!!

Pretty banged up there Doug. Wow... if only that visor would'nt have failed like that and fallen off. Crap that looks like it hurts like hell.

What helmet were you using that day.

I am shocked by this turn of events.

Thank God you are home and will hopefully recover 100%.

My prayers are with you.
(captain @ Jul. 22 2007,21:31)I'm home,,, broken but home .. word has it bike is totaled! Was in the hospital for 24 hours on the dot and now back home. My right eye is gross and swollen, glass cuts on the other eye.. Apparently I ripped my Deltoid and Tricep from the bone, I go to a ortho doc this week. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.... more to come later I just wanted to say thank you... Here is what I look like now....

Come on Doug, you look great!.... NOT!

Man, sorry to hear about this, hope you get well fast.

We are saying a prayer for you.


Sorry to hear about your wreck. Glade to hear your wore your gear! Glade to hear you'll be OK. Glade to hear your home resting.Heal up as fast as you can Cap. We are all here for you if you need anything!
guys thanks for the kind words.... Prayers always welcome.... I believe in the power of prayer.....

I am on pretty tough narcotics and I have my left hand in a sling so my typing sucks more than usual.... My doorbell rang this morning and the police chief which is a good frinend of mine came by, he new there was a crash on Sat but didnt know it was me until this morning.. Gary and I went through Rookie schools together and spent a lot of time backing each other on the streets... As it turns out his son was right there an saw the whole thing unfold and he is having problems with it... I think that he is going to bring his son over to talk to my son who was there also and to let him talk to me abou the gear and things....

YOu guys have no idea how the support from this place makes me feel better... I know that there is nothing that any of you can do, but the reassuring words of kindness and support makes me feel not so alone...

I am going to get some pics this afternoon of the bike and I will put some pics up of the gear I was wearing... I did hear from witnesses yesterday that the top of the helmet hit the top edge of the window and that the jaw portion of the helmet is what went through the drivers window first. Then my legs came up and pulled my head back out of the window and I slid straight down the side of the truck.... I guess the driver got his nose whacked by my helmet and his face began bleeding, when I hit the ground the bike was standing up, I think the driver took his foot off the brakes and the truck rolled forward and the bike fell over on top of me... once again the gear protected me, there are burn marks on the jacket......

All and all, I wore the gear tha I preach to you all about and I can honestly say that I believe that it saved my life..... The ER docs told me that I was the third bike wreck of the day, I had the worst wreck, I had the highest risk for potential injury but I was in the best shape because I was geared up.... The other two are still in ICU, I'm home.... Even the people that stopped to help mentioned to the fire and rescue that I looked like I was going into battle because I had all the gear on.......

More to come later... Im falling asleep at the computer again....

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

We're glad you're home too...hearing that you were the 3rd bike crash victim that day and in the best shape shows just how important good gear is...

Take it easy and keep us posted on how you're doing...
Thank you for wearing your gear. I will pray for your pain to go away. however I am not sure I can do anything about your crappy typing. Pray never worked for my bad typing.

Get well soon....
Doug,I have all the body work except an upper,they are yours if you need them,say the word.Just glad youre alive Man.