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im not gonna do it!!

Ladies we can rebuild him, we have the technology, the worlds first bionic man. Better...Stonger...Faster...Does Dishes...Vacuums...Even Laundry...
Bzzzzzzzzzzt! Dang, this Operation game is really tough!
i was kinda wondering what was up w/ all the earlier captions in a German style speech. the gals in that first pic were in Florida.

"Yah, Ingrid. Doze loozahs in Ft. Lawdahdale won't know what haz heet dem!"

Okay ladies....Kawasaki is paying us good money to try to figure out their new ZX14 paint scheme so concentrate here. Now hand me that doily pattern and crochet needle.
Now watch ladies as I work the mod. gene in his brain so he thinks he want's to buy chrome wheels for his hayasomething he always talks about,but just as he goes for his wallet he will be buying new chrome bathroom fixtures.He won"t even know the difference.
   Pic 2  Now ladies we are going to take this eng. out of his hayabusta and replace it with a blender motor so he don't like riding anymore and he can clean the house more often.