Changes on the forum -- Google Ads

I'm fine with it and understand what it takes to run a business as I've had a few .
No problems here .
I am curious now though what a 'ButtyBuddy' is as I keep seeing that ad :)

can't post the linky but here is it's also know as the 1000 mile seat


I'm fine with it and understand what it takes to run a business as I've had a few .
No problems here .
I am curious now though what a 'ButtyBuddy' is as I keep seeing that ad :)

DUDE thats what the ads are for click that sucker if your interested, we dont make a penny for showing the ads at the top. CLICK IT and we get money....

Now with that said we don't want a click frenzy because if there is a sudden spike or Google thinks we are up to no good we get cut off BUT if you see something that sparks interest CLICK ON IT!

Doug , dude I was just being humorous as the picture keeps coming up is all .
I have no problems with the ads or whatever you feel is needed to keep the doors open .
I saw that seat, I need to show it to Juli. The only thing about it is its so wide I am not sure she could get off the seat when we drag knees.
Doug , dude I was just being humorous as the picture keeps coming up is all .
I have no problems with the ads or whatever you feel is needed to keep the doors open .

I didn't mean anything by my comment directly.. Indirectly I was just telling you to click on the banners if you see something that looks good.. We get paid for clicks not for views
I didn't mean anything by my comment directly.. Indirectly I was just telling you to click on the banners if you see something that looks good.. We get paid for clicks not for views

I know you didn't . :beerchug:
I didn't take it wrong and you can call me 'Dude' anytime . :laugh:
First off, I thought I had a Google virus, not kidding. I thought that something got in and was putting ads in to make me buy things or steal my CC nunbers, glad thats not the case.
As far as the ads go, im okay with em, not as cool as Busa pics, but a needed evil to keep the Org goin.
Whats a click worth?

I have no way to know.... Basically I set up the catagories that we are willing to accept and then Google is basically a broker. You get sites like ours that has a lot of specific traffic and businesses basically have a bid war to see who is going to get to advertise here.. Highest bidder wins, I dont get to see what they paid google just dishes the money to us at the end of the month... Some ads are a penny, some can be a couple dollars I just have no way to know... Its a little hinky in the fact that google has all the numbers and I really dont get to know what banners were ever clicked on (as far as I know) but I do know how many clicks... I have to basically trust Google to count it all up right...

Affiliate Marketing is great money, especially when mass people click or buy. Pay per click is everything to how we surf the Net! Good for you, Cappy! :welcome:

But, what ads? ??? I don't see no stickin ads! :laugh:
Affiliate Marketing is great money, especially when mass people click or buy. Pay per click is everything to how we surf the Net! Good for you, Cappy! :welcome:

But, what ads? ??? I don't see no stickin ads! :laugh:

You guys are killin me..
I just do it to keep my computer running at better speed for my biz. A speedy computer is always key.

Besides, if I send you a secret as to how to make money in your spare time doing what you have scratched the surface on,, it might even out my non-clicks. Or if nothing more, it might start the cogs a rollin' for future ideas.

And,,, a timely donation by myself might help out too!
I just do it to keep my computer running at better speed for my biz. A speedy computer is always key.

Besides, if I send you a secret as to how to make money in your spare time doing what you have scratched the surface on,, it might even out my non-clicks. Or if nothing more, it might start the cogs a rollin' for future ideas.

And,,, a timely donation by myself might help out too!

Im just bustin your chops a little... No problems from me at all...