Donations are open for awhile

There is no need to respond... there isnt really any need for discussion... You just need to realize that we get millions of hits a month and there is no way we are going back to a shared server..

I would have to ask you that if for 3.95 cents per month had unlimited everything then why are all the busineses in the US using that service instead of hosting their own data centers all over the world.....

Your not going to sway my mind so I would just drop it....


No worries Mr. Knowitall..:whistle:

Your response was all I needed to hear. Since you are the "king" of spouting wisdom here: "He who gets upset over a simple question, has something to hide".

Now if you will excuse me, I will go clean the BS off my shoes that it takes you more in sponsor money than it does to pay for this place.....

:ban: <-- I figure that is coming, lol.
No worries Mr. Knowitall..:whistle:

Your response was all I needed to hear. Since you are the "king" of spouting wisdom here: "He who gets upset over a simple question, has something to hide".

Now if you will excuse me, I will go clean the BS off my shoes that it takes you more in sponsor money than it does to pay for this place.....

:ban: <-- I figure that is coming, lol.

No ban needed you make my point very well... Thanks... Its folks that have absolutely no idea what it takes to run this site, the technology, the bandwidth, the storage and processing power that just make me laugh...

Your comment would be the equivilent of someone advising that a turbo hyundai with a spoiler is faster than a busa...

I don't want to pat you on the head and tell you to scoot away, I tried to nicely apologize but you dont want that so I will just advise you to not send anything and just enjoy the site free of charge....

I am more than happy to get on the phone with you but I have no intentions on explaining all the details out in a thread....

I feel fortunate to have found the .org. I have made many friends and learned an invaluable amount of information not only about hayabusa's but life in general as well!!

Thank you to everyone here at the .org!!!!

Paypal sent This is a great site and Im glad to help.
There are the nicest people on here
One thing you [Cap] did was let my son use your laptop to finish some online homework while at the bash, This really sticks out in my mind how generous and helpfull you were, I thank you and all that make this a great place. :cheerleader:
If we were donating members before does it still automatically renew like the link now says or is this the first time it is recurring? I'll donate either way in a heartbeat just curious is all.
If we were donating members before does it still automatically renew like the link now says or is this the first time it is recurring? I'll donate either way in a heartbeat just curious is all.

These are NOT recurring donations... If you want to give again in a few years that is up to you. This donation is just what you want to give now and we will absolutely not hit your accounts again unexpectedly...

I donated not for the special features but because this site has given me so much I want to give back :beerchug:
Paypal sent CaP. You can give my spinning balls to jpowell even though he may not need them as I think he has alot of balls!:laugh:
Been here since 2005, and it's a worthwhile donation. Great information and entertainment on the .Org.
Im in, ive been waiting since I joined to do this. This site site has been invaluable to me in the short time Ive been a member. :cheerleader:
No worries Mr. Knowitall..:whistle:

Your response was all I needed to hear. Since you are the "king" of spouting wisdom here: "He who gets upset over a simple question, has something to hide".

Now if you will excuse me, I will go clean the BS off my shoes that it takes you more in sponsor money than it does to pay for this place.....

:ban: <-- I figure that is coming, lol.

Lol yeah....... That's a great move there dude..... Startin crap with the boss lol.

You're a better man than I Cap, I probably woulda booted him after he kept up on ya.
It is really interesting how emotions run the entire gambit on a forum website. It really is a lot like a family and you have your emotional uncle's, crazy aunts, idiots stepbrothers, the responsible older brother and "the rest" of the family. In short like I said...a family.

This is a really good place and there are a lot of really good people. It is a lot of work to run a website, maintain software updates, deal with technical issues and then the toughest part...expectation management of the general users of the site.

My hat is truly off to you Doug. Anyone who takes on the task of working to keep a site operational and works as hard as you do to meet the "ideal" flow of content of this site it a very demanding job and in short I want to say Thank You!