How should I word this... maybe some advice.
From a whois of your domain, if you are paying for dedicated servers to a colo company, you are wasting your money. That can run upwards of 400-700 a month if not more.
I see a lot of forums like this fall into the category of dedicated server hosting. In short, it is not needed. Most of the companies out there, like blue host, offer unlimited bandwidth, unlimited mysql databases, unlimited email addresses, etc. for under 50 bucks a month. They have MPLS backbones, redundancy, etc.
Vbulletin is around 300 bucks a year if I am not mistaken (I own it), that is if you want to keep with updates, which I am sure you do.
I hope you don't take the post the wrong way, just trying to help. Depending on what it is taking you to run the site, you could probably cut that by at least 75%. With the amount of sponsors you have on this board, you should be WAY in the positive.
Your smoking crack if you think a hosting company will let us host for 50.00 a month on a shared server... I have worked in the IT hosting field for 15 years for some major ISP's across the country...
No ISP is going to let a site with as much traffic as the ORG run on a shared server, we used to have that and we were kicked off two of them in the early years...
Thanks for the advice but trust me when I say that having a dedicated server is the only way...
Cap if you would stop tracking satellites that move at 17000 mph you could probably get away with using a Virtual Server (maybe using VMWare Vsphere 4 and clustering if you would really like some high availability) with dedicated resources connected to a high availability SAN's. Low end hosting companies that incorporate solutions that don't guarantee or limit system resources have failed to enter this century. Those folks are really only useful in hosting low volume static content web sites. Anyhow your site does rock and performance is great!
Geosynchronous orbit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your smoking crack if....
Before I respond, if you wouldn't mind telling me, how much bandwidth on average are you pulling through here a month?