Clutch lever falls off 05 busa with 350miles!!

<span style='color:red'>" called my dealer (they are about 50 miles away) and told them what happened with some loud tones and words....."

"...what should I do"...</span>..........Get over it!!!

Put it in second, push it as fast as you can down a hill, and pop the clutch.  Ride it to a dealer ....and pray they have another clutch lever in stock.
Did you read his post? He didn't have a clutch to pop....

350 mile and craps falling off? This is definetly a Suzuki or dealer setup problem. Either way the dealer, as Suzuki's rep is responsible for taking care of the problem.
Be thankful that you didn't have problems stopping the bike. You're safe and sound, slightly inconvenienced...I'd get the Busa to the dealership and get it fixed under warranty. It's a brand new bike, so you should be covered without question. Hell, I know dealerships that swapped out painted panels because paint started chipping off, so I don't think they'd fight you on fixing this...
Dealer is not liable for loose bolts, neither is Suzuki. It's like saying you bought a new car and drove it 300 miles and the tire went flat but no nail.
No disrespect, but not really. If a tire goes flat with no nail, that's not the dealer's issue but it is Goodyear's, Firestone's, Bridgestone's, or whoever made the tire's issue. The clutch is directly from Suzuki so they should be held accountable for it.
So if the valve stem is bad, its the tire maker's fault. Or the rim etc. plain and simple, till its diagnosed, NO ONE BUT THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE.

If he parks it along the road and it gets cited, do you think Suzuki will pay for it? If he parks it and it gets stolen, do you think SUzuki will pay because he couldn't ride it away? Liability only goes so far.
True liability only goes so far, but shite falling off with less than 400 hundred damn miles is simply ridiculous.

So I'm guessing for those " Holy Types", that if you went in to have a radiator flush done by the dealership and while driving home you find that its overheating because there was an airbubble in the hose & they didn't flush it out completely. You would blame yourself because you didn't take your bike apart at the dealership & "inspect it before you rode it"! That's a crazy way of thinking, does every person check every nut & bolt with their pre-ride inspection? I think not!
Nice color choice by the way....

Regardless of all the negative comments, Suzuki and the dealership are responsible for delivering the bike to the customer setup properly and SAFE.

Anyone can come in off the street and buy one of these things. You don't have to have a mechanics ticket or a membership at the local race track.

I would recommend anyone complain to Suzuki by mail, phone, and email about these kinds of things. Unfortunately, Suzuki does not follow up with customers about dealer service like Yamaha does.

A lawsuit would be a waste of time and money as no real harm was done.
CLUTCH lever assembly was defective. Liability for that is with whoever assembled it, or whoever manufactured and sold it.

The dealership charges a fee for prep. If this clutch lever was part of that prep, then its the dealers liability. If the clutch lever was assembled at the factory by Suzuki, then its their liability.

IT IS NOT THE OWNERS LIABILITY if a piece falls apart within the warranty period.
Ok whatever get all of these guys who say you should sue to chip in for your legal fees and then offer them a percentage of the MILLIONS you're entitled to.

Clutch lever is held on with a nut and a bolt. Bolt is installed from the top. EVEN if the nut came off I have no clue how the bolt would back up and out on its own.:47:

Anyway, get back to riding soon.
I wrote this post several hours after the incident, I was still mad. I didn't call them with the loud tone right away, it was after they didn't act like they were going to help me get the bike to them and expected me to pay out money to get it towed to them. I was charged $295 for an assembly fee, this is including the lever the dealer installed after un crating the bike. As far as comparing it to a flat tire is just ludicrous. Its more like the freaking clutch pedal falling off. Suzuki said they would cover the tow and the repair at the Suzuki dealer closest to me. The fairing was nicked pretty good on top where the lever fell off. That's going to be exchanged out as well.
I am about 3.5 hours from Charlotte but I'm a traveling physical therapist and will be in the Greensboro area for my next 13 week assignment in 2 weeks.


I feel your pain about the lever. Stealerships don't want to warranty anything though. Read your warranty card they gave you when you bought the bike...not a whole lot is covered by Suzuki. I'm not taking Suzuki's side here either...thats just a poor job putting things together.

Drive safe and if you don't have some gear get some. I don't know what the laws are down there but having 170 HP between your legs and no helmet on your head is not a good idea.
Get a lawyer and file a lawsuit , your life was put in danger...350 miles? Pathetic.
ah yes, the new american way.....instantly call the lawyers and sue, sue, sue......the only winners are the lawyers, everyone else loses. My god, check out your bike before you ride, look for signs of trouble best you can. It is a MACHINE built by and assembled by humans.....things break, parts fail, humans make mistakes. You were inconvienced, for sure, and should be re-imbursed for your expenses....but you weren't really why do you need to sue anyone? Give the dealer the chance to fix the wrong, if he doesn't, then call Suzuki and make them force the dealer to perform according to his dealer agreement with them.
After I wrote this post I called the dealership to see time frame and they told me to call suzuki. I did and suzuki is now saying that the lever falling apart is due to a laydown!!!? The bike has a nick on it and no signs at all of damage from a laydown they said the file is closed?
??? I called the dealer (not the one I bought it from) and they said they would help me out and fix it for the cost of part of the lever and the fairings are on me. I swear to god this is the WORST experience I have ever had with a Company.

How come their are so many flamers here, you guys ASSuME that I ride without gear and/or helmet and assume I am going to sue?
WTF the picture is just me sitting on it I have a scorpion helmet, Joe rocket padded jacket and Icon gloves. Some of you guys are cool and helpfull some of you guys are just DICs (Determined Ignorant COCKS)



How come their are so many flamers here, you guys ASSuME that I ride without gear and/or helmet and assume I am going to sue?? WTF the picture is just me sitting on it I have a scorpion helmet, Joe rocket padded jacket and Icon gloves. Some of you guys are cool and helpfull some of you guys are just DICs (Determined Ignorant COCKS) [/QUOTE]

Well when you post a picture of you sitting around traffic on your bike it looks like you don't have any gear...sorry but it does.

Nobody here was flaming you and I just said ride safe if you don't have riding gear then it's a good idea to get some. YOU are the one who sounds like the ####. Who would really call a tow truck and try to make Suzuki pay for it? That's an awfully ignorant thing to say about the people on this board...we just don't want to see your name in the obituaries section.
for the record...I qouted someone who advised you to sue.....and my comments were meant to be directed to that person alone......

That is all.....carry on....sounds like the story is gonna get better, now....
and I've been called worse than a DIC, so that ain't gonna get you any points with me. Hell, RSD flames us better than that on one of his off days.......
You say there are no signs of damage due to laydown?
The dealer says you are responsible for fairing? What is up?