Dealer is not liable for loose bolts, neither is Suzuki. It's like saying you bought a new car and drove it 300 miles and the tire went flat but no nail.
No disrespect, but not really. If a tire goes flat with no nail, that's not the dealer's issue but it is Goodyear's, Firestone's, Bridgestone's, or whoever made the tire's issue. The clutch is directly from Suzuki so they
should be held accountable for it.
So if the valve stem is bad, its the tire maker's fault. Or the rim etc. plain and simple, till its diagnosed, NO ONE BUT THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE.
If he parks it along the road and it gets cited, do you think Suzuki will pay for it? If he parks it and it gets stolen, do you think SUzuki will pay because he couldn't ride it away? Liability only goes so far.
If he got a citation, he must deal with the consequences and pay it because he did something wrong.
If it gets stolen, the crook would pay for it (money or time in jail) because he did something wrong.
If the clutch lever falls off, the dealer should pay because they did something wrong.
Makes sense doesn't it?
That's like driving a car, having the hood fly open slamming into the windshield and shattering it, and having all sorts of eye injuries due to the glass. Now imagine everyone saying its your fault because you didn't tighten the hood bolts when you bought it.
Better yet, I'll say it like this. You go to a Burger King and order a Whopper. When you sit down to eat it, you notice there is no lettuce. Do you take the sandwich home and put the lettuce in yourself, or do you take it back to the register because it supposed to come with lettuce. Even if you take it home and notice it, you'd probably want to take it back but choose not to because you'd probably be wasting more money on gas than what the lettuce is worth BUT, you'd still be tempted to take back that sandwich. Most of us don't bother to check it because we assume it was made properly. That is based on a $3 sandwich, why shouldn't we expect an $11,000 bike to be built correctly.
You mentioned tires in your earlier post. NO factory warranty covers tires because of their nature. We 'Busa pilots go through tires every 2000 miles or so. How often have you heard someone say, "Man! I need a new clutch lever because mine keeps falling off". That's just not supposed to happen dude.
The difference between my concept and yours is you feel the rider should check everything incase the dealer left something lose. I feel a rider
should check everything but should not
have to check everything because its the dealers
obligation to put out a safe product.
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