Clutch lever falls off 05 busa with 350miles!!

Just get over it but talk to the Sales manager and try to milk him for some free sh!t. Mention insurance liability, litigation and complaint letter to Suzuki corporate. I am sure he would be more than willing to hook you up with some gear in order to sweep it under the rug.
Yeah.... because we're all just push-overs..... LOL!
Nice color choice by the way....
Hey , nice pipes...what brand are they? It almost looks like stock pipes that were colored black. I want some black pipes like that.
whats with the pipes? I want that too.

They look like black sleeves over stock cans. Can you explain this to me also?
Sorry for the slow response guys, I have been away from the PC. Those are stock cans, modified by me. I bored them on both ends (inside of course) and painted them with flat black header paint. I am ordering a Yosh 4-2-1 soon and may get rid of these. They sound great, almost like my D&Ds I had on my 02LE.

Flat black header paint...any problems or any report about how well it sticks or if it has held up without needing touched up?

Whats the verdict on the header paint? - how long has it lasted etc... tell me more.
Nice color choice by the way....
Hey , nice pipes...what brand are they? It almost looks like stock pipes that were colored black. I want some black pipes like that.
whats with the pipes?  I want that too.

They look like black sleeves over stock cans.  Can you explain this to me also?
Sorry for the slow response guys, I have been away from the PC. Those are stock cans, modified by me. I bored them on both ends (inside of course) and painted them with flat black header paint. I am ordering a Yosh 4-2-1 soon and may get rid of these. They sound great, almost like my D&Ds I had on my 02LE.

Flat black header paint...any problems or any report about how well it sticks or if it has held up without needing touched up?

Whats the verdict on the header paint? - how long has it lasted etc... tell me more.
My early opinion is that it works great. The cans have been very hot, dirty, washed, dried, scuffed (I touched up one spot and you cannot tell it was even re-sprayed), and have endured the mind warping speed of the Busa. I won't have these on long enough though to do a longevity test.

The dealership charges a fee for prep.  
only if your not smart enough to tell em' you aren't paying them to get the bike you just bought ready to buy..

That prep fee crap is just like document, processing, or admin fee's in the car business..

pure profit for the dealer..

do you honestly think suzuki doesn't provide either by direct compensation for each bike sold.. or already have it figured into the what they charge the dealer..

stop paying this crap people!! if you don't dealers will just keep finding new ways to fleece every extra nickel, and dime they can out of you.

If Suzuki, bobs chrysler, whoever feels the need to charge you for the privelage of buying a item from them.. go somewhere else.. it's not complicated.
suzuki4life must work for Suzuki or something. I work at a Nissan dealership and if a wheel fell off while the new owner is driving it with only 350 miles, it would definitely be our fault or at least Nissan's fault for not torqing the wheels to spec.

I mean seriously, when you purchase a new vehicle or any sort, everything should be put together correctly. I had an Allen bolt fly off my SV1000S and even the dealership paid of it's replacement. It's an open and shut case, it was the dealerships fault for not making sure the bike was all tight and put together. Hell most dealerships I know take them for test rides after the initial assembly.
personally i think theres more to the story than we've seen yet..

there was some mention of having to replace a fairing.. and suzuki saying the part came off due to a drop..

if there was no drop.. why would the guy have not specified that it had never been dropped?
How come their are so many flamers here, you guys ASSuME that I ride without gear and/or helmet and assume I am going to sue?? WTF the picture is just me sitting on it I have a scorpion helmet, Joe rocket padded jacket and Icon gloves. Some of you guys are cool and helpfull some of you guys are just DICs (Determined Ignorant COCKS)

Well when you post a picture of you sitting around traffic on your bike it looks like you don't have any gear...sorry but it does.

Nobody here was flaming you and I just said ride safe if you don't have riding gear then it's a good idea to get some. YOU are the one who sounds like the ####. Who would really call a tow truck and try to make Suzuki pay for it? That's an awfully ignorant thing to say about the people on this board...we just don't want to see your name in the obituaries section.[/QUOTE]

Actually looks like he is outside on it inside an appartment complex, thats a far cry from outside in traffic???

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I was traveling about 125 mph when this happened.

I have about 350 miles on mine.

What should I do??
Buy a decent tool kit and start inspecting your bike before you ride it, that is what you should do......

The bolt on your clutch lever may have been loose when it left the dealership, if that is so, shame on YOU for not checking it, it did not loosen up in the span of that ride.

It is bad to assume, but I would bet that prior to this event you had not checked ANY bolts on the bike whatsoever. If you have'nt checked all the remaining bolts since, as was said before, hope you wear more gear than your picture.

You can not buy a motorcycle and treat it like a car, they do require a lot of care and attention, especially if you really want to feel safe at all.

This is not meant as a slam on you at all.  It just gets a little old to see people fug up in life and have to find somebody else to blame.

Bottom line, the manufacture may have messed up, the dealer may have messed up, but the guy who opted to take a bike with only 350 miles on it to 125mph without checking the security of the bolts, totally messed up.  You should be glad it was not one of many other fasteners that could have totally ruined your day, errrrrr life.....

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<span style='color:red'>" called my dealer (they are about 50 miles away) and told them what happened with some loud tones and words....."

"...what should I do"...</span>..........Get over it!!!

It's a mechanical device.  Shooting for respect at the local dealer will get you blown off so fast...

Put it in second, push it as fast as you can down a hill, and pop the clutch.  Ride it to a dealer ....and pray they have another clutch lever in stock.

The fella's at the dealer just wan't a little respect too.  They didn't screw the shitty clutch on, and Suzuki won't pay them for the trip to fix it.  Who wouldn't wan't an excuse to take off from the shop for a few hours and pick up a standed bike?

Get over it.

Call your dealer and ask if they have the part in stock, and be nice this time.

My two cents...
He can,t pop the clutch, he has no handle.
Just using the facts which he stated here do not add up.

1.  He originally said that the lever fell off.

For that to happen the security nut would have to back all the way off and fall off.  Then the pivot bolt, which is plainly visible while riding, would have to back all the way out.  Then the lever would have to move forward and become disengaged from the clutch cable......That aint real easy to do without being noticed.

2.  Suzuki, through the dealer, shunned him after seeing the bike, stating that the thought it was the result of crash damage.

Suzuki and the dealer would have to be complete morons to equate the entire lever and bolt missing from the bike, with being the result of the bike being laid down, unless there was some other damage or something not mentioned here.

3.  He stated that there was some type of mark on the fairing, but did not include it with the lever falling off or seem concerned about Suzuki not fixing that.

Not sure about any of you, but I would be ten times more concerned with a scratch on the fairing than a missing clutch lever.

Without pictures of the bike there is no way for any of us to know what the REST OF THE STORY is, or where the truth lies.  

BUT, I am gonna go out on a limb here and speculate that what he was originally posting, based on his lack of mechanical experience with bikes, is that the outer part of the lever fell (SNAPPED) off while he was riding leaving the base of the lever and the pivot bolt.

If that is the case, it is an entirely different debate......

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I am not sure what you expect out of the dearlership? Are they going to give you a new bike... no, but they are going to be apologetic up to the point of not admitting to any guilt. If handled properly, you could get the sales/service manager/owner to throw in a free service, or a decent discount in the parts department or
, use your imagination. Kind words and a stick will get you more than just a stick...

OK, someone, somewhere made a mistake. Fortunatly is wasnt a fatal one. If I was you, I would 'nut and bolt' the machine before I got on it again. Yes, I know that it should have been done at the dealership but just to make sure, do it yourself.

I have seen $100K Porsches run out of gas on test drives with buyers in them or wheels come off Range Rovers the day after purchase, now THATS embarrasing for the dealer.
Just get over it but talk to the Sales manager and try to milk him for some free sh!t. Mention insurance liability, litigation and complaint letter to Suzuki corporate. I am sure he would be more than willing to hook you up with some gear in order to sweep it under the rug.
Yeah.... because we're all just push-overs..... LOL!
Cum'on big T, You know you're just a nice big softy deep down inside.
I was charged $295 for an assembly fee, this is including the lever the dealer installed after un crating the bike.
Odd the Suzuki Dealer price sheet says $50... Wonder what the $245 is for? Did you get a jar of lube or something?
Are you sure you didnt by a harley??? for $295 I'd go and check every bolt for torque and call about each one out of spec.

My advice is get your lever replaced there and anything else find another dealer(unless you can get it free)... or better yet, do what I do and don't find another dealer and do it yourself so it's actually correct when your done.