Clutch Slip


Are you sure it wasn't back tire ? Clutches have even more of a tendancy to slip in higher gears. If anything, Suzuki has more than enough clutch.
Thats just the way they are, I'm also used to a pronounced point of engagement but the busa clutch feels like its slipping. Do the brock davidson mod and be done with it.
OMEGA is correct. The clutch mod is the thing to do with all Busas. The slipper clutch is a big problem for most riders. I was amazed at the difference it made on my bike.

I would bet dollars to doughnuts that c.dolen is right about the tier spinning and it feeling like clutch is slipping. This happens to me all the time. I can’t get the bike to wheelie unless the tier is warmed up. If I punch is while I’m going 30 to 40 mph It just lays down a big fat black one. Once that tier is hot thou she heads for the sky.
Well after another 20 miles the Busa is dead...Don't move at all!!! Guess it will be back to the dealer Wednesday....
Possibilities: Hydraulic has air in it, and built up pressure in the line. I've seen brakes do it so bad, that bleeder had to be loosened to move bike.......... ...Or: Master cylinder has some dirt, or something, not allowing fluid back in. Try bleeding with fresh fluid............ ...Or: Clutch plates were not stacked right. Total stack height critical. Should be about 2.00 " total. Less than 1/16" from that can cause pressure plate to bottom out on hub, taking spring pressure off plates. Busa comes with various different thickness of plates. It could have been done wrong at factory.... ....If dealer can't get OEM plates quick enough, Kaw 1977~ 83 KZ 650 or 83~85 GPZ 750 plates can be used, in a pinch. Must have total stack height correct. ........ ..Have to go, now. Will check post, when I get back. More info to come........... ...Back, now. / Re: Back torque device: This just has 3 tabs that are just beveled on one side. It only works against clutch pressure, in one direction. It takes some of the shock, from rear wheel, working against motor, on deceleration. It can sometimes make the clutch act strange, if lever is pulled back in, while it is still being let out, to engage clutch. Brock device is OEM unit that is welded, to prevent its movement, that affects clutch operation, or feel. The back torque device would not cause your described clutch problem, unless it somehow froze up, or was not spaced correctly. Your clutch problem is more likely caused by other things mentioned farther up in this post.................................... ...2000 clutch slightly different than 99 clutch, that I have, but general design should be close.

[This message has been edited by c.dolan (edited 29 February 2000).]
Anyone had any trouble with clutch slip on the new Hayabusa??

Just picked up my 2k Blue Busa last night and when I took it out today it is sliping in first gear when you take off.

Any recomendations or ideas???