Well, here is one for your amusement. It seem s that a board member who will remain nameless decided to take this clutch mod into his own hands. The bikes clutch was welded and put back together then rode for a few miles, when the bike made strange sounds he brought it back to the dealer for warranty repair of the *bad clutch*. It just so happened that day the regional Suzuki rep was in the shop, the bike when opened up revealed all sorts of metal pieces floating about in the engine case.
"ElCheapo" who didn't want to pay the price of a profesionally modified part, now owns a $11,000 1999 new Hayabusa that Suzuki does NOT have any responsibity to repair. A new motor which has to be torn down and cleaned of debris from the backyard clutch-mod.
There is more to fireing up the welder and drinking a beer when you mod your bike, the companies that offer parts stand behind them as well, so if the cost is too much just finish off your six pack while you rebuild your new bikes motor from your backyard mods.
"ELCheapo" = motor tear down and rebuild, loss of warranty. And faced with the reality of going to a profesional to rebuild a brand new motor.
Suzuki = Loss of a stupid customer, who will bash Suzuki for not standing behind their product. Maybe "ElCheapo" will buy a ZX12r now.
Schnitz/Davidson = Nothing lost, Schnitz is the cheapest place to buy parts anyway and Davidson will continue to offer a well made product. ("ElCheapo" now has to pay for a core charge, since his OEM parts are JUNK)
The story is true the name has been with held to protect the "cheap". And you had the nerve to bitch to the service manager about $75.00 to teardown and examine YOUR F___ UP, go buy a ZX12r!