If you go to tire manufacturers, don't mention me. I don't want to be laughed at. You've already presented your anchors to at least four motorcycle websites and the ONLY positive reply came from a stunt rider website where one guy said it might make bunny hops easier.
Res Ipsa loquitor - if your idea worked, people would be using it already. Racers, racer wanna be, track and street guys don't want to touch it, ergo, it does not work. It is not well thought out or presented well enough that they even want to try. *You* like it! but it's the testimonial of a rabid, argumentative inventor. Not gonna move a lot of units, bud. Let it die.
You move on to new and fresh fallacious arguments and don't bother to address or correct those pointed out, as if you're trying to bury your debaters in volume since you lack quality. You've lost the argument.
I'll let your astounding success speak for itself: Zero converts to your brilliant, tragically misunderstood invention.
Finally, congratulations, you're the manliest man because you ride in the cold, and assume most don't. Yet you're not manly enough to ride in the wet. Then you crow about how, since 'most' of us don't ride in the cold, and you do, that we may have never encountered a cold tar snake, and you have, and these are your unassailable opinions on them. Well, if your assertion were true, you're preaching to people who 1. Don't ride in the cold - so they don't care and won't encounter tar snakes, and 2. those with more experience than you are mocked for it when they have differing opinions. You must be a helluva guy to live with, always being right in your own mind and never able to concede a point.
I rode every day I lived in Seattle for 5 years, cold and wet and dry and sunny. It's a tar snake. If you're on the road, you know what they feel like. Sorry your epiphany wasn't quite as inspiring to anyone else as you thought it should be. Like the foot anchors...