well suicide watch hardly fits ANY of this story and if anyone is hiding anything it is the cops who say there is no more footage BUT SECURITY CAMS IN JAIL HOUSE SHOW THE HANDHELD CAMERA ON WHILE WALKING HER DOWN THE HALL WHERE SHE WAS ALLEGEDLY KICKED TO THE GROUND AGAIN if that did happen it would have been on the handheld cam footage of her being led down the hall....but...footage of them escorting her down the hall is missing or has been deleted!Her husband claims that the Law Enforcement version of what happened inside the jail just isn't true. There is no way that he could know that. Generally, if someone is stripped naked, denied clothing and placed in isolation, it's for suicide watch purposes, as people can use all sorts of things to commit suicide, especially clothing, sheets, towels, blankets, etc. As usual, I'd guess that the media is leaving much out to make the story more scandalous. It sells advertising airtime when you have lots of scandal for people to watch. Yes, it's advisable to have only same sex officers present for a routine strip search. This clearly was not routine. In the case of a violent person who needs to be put on a suicide watch type status, suspect and officer safety overrides the individual's need for privacy. Common sense there. For the person who said that if two female officers can't "handle" one female suspect, well, put yourself in that same position. You and one other officer are required to "handle" a possibly violent offender, while trying not to harm him (I'm assuming you're male), while he doesn't care whether he harms you. Care to do that every night for the rest of your career? I doubt it. It's easier to have extra people there to hold them down while you do what you are required morally, and by law to do, so that you don't actually have to fight with them, risking injury to all. If one or more of the officers holding the person down during the search is of the opposite gender, well, so be it. If you don't want this to happen to you, don't act like this.
Whomever is right or wrong here, I absolutely guarantee that neither of the media stories supplied in this link are telling the entire story.
"If, allegedly," etc. Therein lies the problem. The only people that know for sure are the ones who were there. Also, she was probably told about 87549923901 times already why this was being done at the time of filming. After explaining something over and over and over and over, it really becomes pointless.well suicide watch hardly fits ANY of this story and if anyone is hiding anything it is the cops who say there is no more footage BUT SECURITY CAMS IN JAIL HOUSE SHOW THE HANDHELD CAMERA ON WHILE WALKING HER DOWN THE HALL WHERE SHE WAS ALLEGEDLY KICKED TO THE GROUND AGAIN if that did happen it would have been on the handheld cam footage of her being led down the hall....but...footage of them escorting her down the hall is missing or has been deleted!Her husband claims that the Law Enforcement version of what happened inside the jail just isn't true. There is no way that he could know that. Generally, if someone is stripped naked, denied clothing and placed in isolation, it's for suicide watch purposes, as people can use all sorts of things to commit suicide, especially clothing, sheets, towels, blankets, etc. As usual, I'd guess that the media is leaving much out to make the story more scandalous. It sells advertising airtime when you have lots of scandal for people to watch. Yes, it's advisable to have only same sex officers present for a routine strip search. This clearly was not routine. In the case of a violent person who needs to be put on a suicide watch type status, suspect and officer safety overrides the individual's need for privacy. Common sense there. For the person who said that if two female officers can't "handle" one female suspect, well, put yourself in that same position. You and one other officer are required to "handle" a possibly violent offender, while trying not to harm him (I'm assuming you're male), while he doesn't care whether he harms you. Care to do that every night for the rest of your career? I doubt it. It's easier to have extra people there to hold them down while you do what you are required morally, and by law to do, so that you don't actually have to fight with them, risking injury to all. If one or more of the officers holding the person down during the search is of the opposite gender, well, so be it. If you don't want this to happen to you, don't act like this.
Whomever is right or wrong here, I absolutely guarantee that neither of the media stories supplied in this link are telling the entire story.
if they were doing this for SUICIDE WATCH than why wouldnt they tell her any of the 8 times she asked why are you doing this please stop.
she did seem very frantic but MANY of us would be frantic also.
Dang, whats that guy crying about.and my fave
"If, allegedly," etc. Therein lies the problem. The only people that know for sure are the ones who were there. Also, she was probably told about 87549923901 times already why this was being done at the time of filming. After explaining something over and over and over and over, it really becomes pointless.well suicide watch hardly fits ANY of this story and if anyone is hiding anything it is the cops who say there is no more footage BUT SECURITY CAMS IN JAIL HOUSE SHOW THE HANDHELD CAMERA ON WHILE WALKING HER DOWN THE HALL WHERE SHE WAS ALLEGEDLY KICKED TO THE GROUND AGAIN if that did happen it would have been on the handheld cam footage of her being led down the hall....but...footage of them escorting her down the hall is missing or has been deleted!Her husband claims that the Law Enforcement version of what happened inside the jail just isn't true. There is no way that he could know that. Generally, if someone is stripped naked, denied clothing and placed in isolation, it's for suicide watch purposes, as people can use all sorts of things to commit suicide, especially clothing, sheets, towels, blankets, etc. As usual, I'd guess that the media is leaving much out to make the story more scandalous. It sells advertising airtime when you have lots of scandal for people to watch. Yes, it's advisable to have only same sex officers present for a routine strip search. This clearly was not routine. In the case of a violent person who needs to be put on a suicide watch type status, suspect and officer safety overrides the individual's need for privacy. Common sense there. For the person who said that if two female officers can't "handle" one female suspect, well, put yourself in that same position. You and one other officer are required to "handle" a possibly violent offender, while trying not to harm him (I'm assuming you're male), while he doesn't care whether he harms you. Care to do that every night for the rest of your career? I doubt it. It's easier to have extra people there to hold them down while you do what you are required morally, and by law to do, so that you don't actually have to fight with them, risking injury to all. If one or more of the officers holding the person down during the search is of the opposite gender, well, so be it. If you don't want this to happen to you, don't act like this.
Whomever is right or wrong here, I absolutely guarantee that neither of the media stories supplied in this link are telling the entire story.
if they were doing this for SUICIDE WATCH than why wouldnt they tell her any of the 8 times she asked why are you doing this please stop.
she did seem very frantic but MANY of us would be frantic also.
The amount of semantical deception that surrounds something like this is sometimes astounding. Like the husband saying that "murderers don't get treated like this." That statement is irrelevant, naive, and intentionally misleading. Sure, a murderer who gives up and complies peacefully gets treated like a human being. A minor traffic offender who goes nuts and becomes violent gets treated far worse (this is just a comparison of two extremes as far as offenses and treatment of such).
After acting a fool and finding out that you can't act however you like, whenever you like, many times people want to deflect the blame elsewhere, rather than taking responsibility for their own actions, and/or twist the facts for financial gain afterward. Did that happen here? I don't know for sure as I wasn't there. Was there intentional and unwarranted use of force and/or procedural violations by the police? Again, can't say for sure as I wasn't there and, that video doesn't show anything except that a very irate person is being prepped for a suicide watch administrative segregation (isolation and supervision for their own safety). Doesn't prove or disprove a thing. Do the cops, male and female in that video look like they're enjoying what's happening? Not to me they don't.
+1000This went too far. No need for male cops there. If the female cops couldn't handle it, get another job. If that was a female close to me, I'd be very upset. As said above, where did the 'crack *****' crap come into this evaluation? Even if she was drunk, etc., it does not justify the treatment in this situation. I don't have much sympathy for criminals that whine about not being treated right, but there is too many holes in this story. I have contemplated being involved in police departments for years and have the utmost respect for law enforcement officers, but just as any profession, you have those who just don't do a good job. I had a friend years ago who was pulled over and they took his car. It was a nice vehicle, that just happened to have about another 1,000 miles on it when he got out of jail after the weekend.