if you look close it appears he wet himself tooDang, whats that guy crying about.and my fave
Finger is on the trigger too.
On the same point, acting civil and completely cooperative will NOT guarrantee that the cops won't misstreat you. I know there are cops on the board and many who would defend cops blindly, but cops are human and they screw up as well. Just because they're cops shouldn't be reason to give them the get out jail free card, but too many times it does.After acting a fool and finding out that you can't act however you like, whenever you like, many times people want to deflect the blame elsewhere, rather than taking responsibility for their own actions, and/or twist the facts for financial gain afterward.
No one here has any idea whether what happened was right or wrong, as we weren't there and there just isn't enough information to pass judgment, as some here seem to be doing. Therein lies the point. In the absence of actual, factual information, the rest is just a bash fest.On the same point, acting civil and completely cooperative will NOT guarrantee that the cops won't misstreat you. I know there are cops on the board and many who would defend cops blindly, but cops are human and they screw up as well. Just because they're cops shouldn't be reason to give them the get out jail free card, but too many times it does.After acting a fool and finding out that you can't act however you like, whenever you like, many times people want to deflect the blame elsewhere, rather than taking responsibility for their own actions, and/or twist the facts for financial gain afterward.
You don't think some cops will twist the facts to save their own careers just as some civillians might for financial gain??
But I do guarrantee that Britney Spears(Oprah, Pres. Bush, the police chief, a judge) can act like a complete fool, spit on cops, and flail at them. And they would NEVER do to Britney(or the others) what they did to that woman. And that's what makes this so completely WRONG.
OMFG that is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and my fave
Ahh, you missunderstand me. I'm not bashing cops.No one here has any idea whether what happened was right or wrong, as we weren't there and there just isn't enough information to pass judgment, as some here seem to be doing. Therein lies the point. In the absence of actual, factual information, the rest is just a bash fest.On the same point, acting civil and completely cooperative will NOT guarrantee that the cops won't misstreat you. I know there are cops on the board and many who would defend cops blindly, but cops are human and they screw up as well. Just because they're cops shouldn't be reason to give them the get out jail free card, but too many times it does.After acting a fool and finding out that you can't act however you like, whenever you like, many times people want to deflect the blame elsewhere, rather than taking responsibility for their own actions, and/or twist the facts for financial gain afterward.
You don't think some cops will twist the facts to save their own careers just as some civillians might for financial gain??
But I do guarrantee that Britney Spears(Oprah, Pres. Bush, the police chief, a judge) can act like a complete fool, spit on cops, and flail at them. And they would NEVER do to Britney(or the others) what they did to that woman. And that's what makes this so completely WRONG.
You personally know (as in, have met them and actually seen them use these elusive cards) some cops that have "get out of jail free" cards, or is that an assumption? Where I come from, cops who commit crimes get made an example of, beyond what a citizen would get. But hey, don't believe me, what could I possibly know?
Yes, there are bad cops. That's why there are supervisors and Internal Affairs Bureaus. But what I saw on that video was a whole lot of nothing. Like I already said, maybe there's more to the story. Maybe not. But Hell, let's condemn all of those cops, every single one, as "wrong" and abusive, etc etc etc, shall we?![]()
Have your cop bash if it makes you feel better.
Fair enough. It'll be awhile until more info comes out so, this horse is pretty dead at the moment.Ahh, you missunderstand me. I'm not bashing cops.No one here has any idea whether what happened was right or wrong, as we weren't there and there just isn't enough information to pass judgment, as some here seem to be doing. Therein lies the point. In the absence of actual, factual information, the rest is just a bash fest.On the same point, acting civil and completely cooperative will NOT guarrantee that the cops won't misstreat you. I know there are cops on the board and many who would defend cops blindly, but cops are human and they screw up as well. Just because they're cops shouldn't be reason to give them the get out jail free card, but too many times it does.After acting a fool and finding out that you can't act however you like, whenever you like, many times people want to deflect the blame elsewhere, rather than taking responsibility for their own actions, and/or twist the facts for financial gain afterward.
You don't think some cops will twist the facts to save their own careers just as some civillians might for financial gain??
But I do guarrantee that Britney Spears(Oprah, Pres. Bush, the police chief, a judge) can act like a complete fool, spit on cops, and flail at them. And they would NEVER do to Britney(or the others) what they did to that woman. And that's what makes this so completely WRONG.
You personally know (as in, have met them and actually seen them use these elusive cards) some cops that have "get out of jail free" cards, or is that an assumption? Where I come from, cops who commit crimes get made an example of, beyond what a citizen would get. But hey, don't believe me, what could I possibly know?
Yes, there are bad cops. That's why there are supervisors and Internal Affairs Bureaus. But what I saw on that video was a whole lot of nothing. Like I already said, maybe there's more to the story. Maybe not. But Hell, let's condemn all of those cops, every single one, as "wrong" and abusive, etc etc etc, shall we?![]()
Have your cop bash if it makes you feel better.
I'm saying that there are bad cops. That cops make mistakes. Just because you behave and treat a cop with respect doesn't mean you won't be misstreated. That cops get away with illegal activities.
Guess what, there are non-cops out there that are bad, that make mistakes, misstreat others, and get away with illegal activities.
My point, don't defend a cop simply because he's a cop. Are cops better than anyone else just because they're cops?
Do we have all the info, no. But there has yet to be any reasonable justification for what happened. Is my mind made up on this, no. As additional facts are made known, my opinion could change.
I never said, "But Hell, let's condemn all of those cops, every single one, as "wrong" and abusive, etc etc etc, shall we?". If you read what I typed you will see I never said all cops are bad, only that there are bad cops.
+1I can't wait for March!!![]()
Uuuuhhh! What's in March?+1I can't wait for March!!![]()
Viva Las Vegas Baby, yeah! [/austinpowers]Uuuuhhh! What's in March?+1I can't wait for March!!![]()
I agree with this guy smells of a scandalous crackwhore...Lets re-cap, Crackwhore goes to jail, refuses to co-operate, gets pwned, learns that her reality is a little faulty, is angry about it and wants to sue...
Big freaking deal...
Sounds like a classic evening in the trailer park to me...