I also have the bike on Jan 18 like you after 2006 cbr 600f. People warned me of its weight and bigger size to control especially in city traffic. I am 170cm(5 + 2/3 feet) 73 kg. My first impression was a doubt because of the "big" apperiance when I got the key to fire up the engine and as a second deep sound of the twins on idle
Then ride on the bike, measured the weight of the bike betwen my legs even the two foots on the ground, yes it was heavier then the cbr (45 kg more).
Then clutch to the first gear and took off slightly to the road(no traffic) . First thing that I did -after 50mt- was to standing on the pegs like riding a bike to understand the steering ability with little movements left to righ and then right to left again and again.
Then I sit on the saddle and made "U" turns in realy slow speed first foots on the ground then on the paddle. Sometimes a time using the clutch as if in neutral then in first gear with a little more speed then before.
When I felt confortable of the controlling the bike I go to the citty traffic for filtering as in cbr. And he did really well.
But he felt me panic once at the night we first ride with my frend togetger was about slow speed cornering; the back wheel slided out of control on the lean left in first gear while turning a traffic circle. I felt unsafe about the bike and thougt as "how that can be on a such famous bike, did give a wrong dicision" etc. Then I simulate the situation in mind the find out the problem;
Wheel could be cold
Road surface could be a bit wet (unseen), or aim of the road was in opposite side.
I was in first gear in low speed -near stall- enough to lock the back wheel for while when oening and closing the throttle's dead area with the combined situations above,
And finaly my wheel is old enough which might be change as soon as possible.
If do not call me as "snappish" here are my advices as first runner of busa;
Control the wheel pressure and wear (42 Psi front 42 psi back)
Try to swing right and left until a confortable control with the bike in a parking lot first(this is not a shame)
If you feel confortable try to filter when safely possible to feel "beeing the one" with the bike.
Aware from the cold tires when cornering then much more your previous bike

Forget about the doubt if you will drop it or not. İf it will be dropped it will drop try to be safe thats the only important think, it is a bike only you can buy new soon or later

And at the and If you do not like bike control or think that it is not proper for your skill please sell it, look for a proper bike cause busa is not the only bike in the world for riding pleasure. To ride in safe, feeling "safe" is first please be rebember. And trust your senses.
I wanted to share my first impressions&experiments only, so sorry if I wrote more longer then you all expected.