Deer hunting with a Hayabusa

Ouch!!! So sorry to hear it
Glad you're OK just experienced one of my worst fears while riding the Busa

Praise God for keeping you safe, it can happen to any of us any time, by anything, the deer or the "deer in the headlights" syndrome elderly and teenage drivers as well. Gear up, murphy's law stays in play. I sideswiped a dog a while back in a curve but slid through it and recovered, it was not my time then but I am anticipating the next. I put my head in an Arai and my body in Joe rockets, even in the Florida heat, thats why they make mesh wear.
Glad that you are safe!!!!!
Glad you are OK
rutting season starts in Texas in November - have to be extra careful. I will not ride at night during that time. I saw a deer last night at the end of my block coming home from a ride.
Kent, thanks for all the debriefing info, it helps us all make decisions for the future. Were you able to use your brakes before impact? Boy, I'm bummed about your description of my $500 Speedmaster jacket and how it DIDN'T do that well! Doyle
Kent - I'm glad you're OK, Brother! I hope you can get everything worked out and will be back riding soon!
I aint skeer'd! Really I would jump on a bike right now. Wheelie and all, just would be a lil critter shy I bet though.

Thanks everyone for your words of support. K-Moto
dang that stinks glad your ok though...

Everyone pay attention to this, the deeer kamakazies are out, its that time of year when they go to rut so becareful out there...
What a drag man. Damn deer need to learn to head for the hills during Hunting Season and stay the heck off the roads!

Glad you OK man!
Sorry to hear about you going down Kent. Same thing happened to me the first part os Sept. Missed the deer but missed the corner too. Glad you had on gear and were not injured too bad.
Damn glad you're okay, man. Did you get any venison outta that?
