I understand your concerns, I have the same concerns myself however I also believe that Truth will reveal itself and those that can model exceptional behaviors will lead through change. This is not the only time that we have seen very passionate and conflicting opinions on this forum but we were able to have great dialog and work through differences.
I have always said we can talk about almost any topic on this forum as long as we kept the conversation to the facts. People have lost the ability to have open dialog and we see not only on this forum but across our country start labeling and name calling.
To have progress we have to be able to communicate, we have to be able to express our ideas and thoughts but we have to do that in a way that is respectful and honorable to all.
Historically I have banned those people that could not conform to the few limitations we have on this forum. There are some great folks that have been on Hayabusa.oRg over the years that were really intelligent, had great ideas but could not respectfully converse with other members which required me to remove them.
I would recommend that anytime a person communicates to someone else and they have any of the following terms to re-read and think about what you are saying. Absolutes are very complicated and I have learned in my life there just aren't a lot of things that fall into the absolute category.
- You never
- They always
- We
- Them
- Every time
There is a huge level of distrust in our country right now and that is being fueled by the media and is spread by people that are unable to fact check or that frankly just don't care about the facts the story fits their agenda.
As Americans we should care about the Truth and we should be willing to admit when we are wrong, concede there are other ways to get things done and most importantly compromise and respectful discussion is how we will heal together.