The thing you have not considered is how certain races have earned certain reputations. Again, because you have never rebutted my assertion that the rap culture has imbedded a terrible mindset into the black youth of this country for decades. I believe that brand of messaging the youth of any culture sends a horrible message to them at a time when they are impressionable. Rap culture has glorified, gang wars, drug dealing, police killing and abusing women sexually for decades. I have never heard of clergy or parents of these youth having said that it should stop though I would be surprised if that had not repeatedly happened already. I guess the 1st Amendment has a downside in this level of influence.That's the problem! Over the years the investigations, ia and courts processes haven't changed the inclination towards racism in how people are treated.
Dealing with systemic crime patterns has an affect of the police whom are tasked with keeping law and order. Its in our collective nature to be fed up with certain people that keep breaking the same laws over and over. It doesn't excuse bad behavior by the police when dealing with the people they are attempting to arrest.It's been going on for decades and it's not debatable; we've all seen it firsthand, the only difference is some people decide to go blind on certain subjects.
Things are changing... we have cashless bail now... the criminals are winning in all the ethnic races.I don't agree with or condone the violence in the protests, but I fully understand that enough is enough and things have to change.
Colin Kapernick kneeling during the National Anthem at NFL games wasn't the right place or time to protest police brutality. Add to that the fact that if the black culture all the way up to Obama didn't do a G D thing about all the black on black shootings and murders taking place in Chicago. It simple reveals the hypocrisy of people that say they care but don't lift a finger to squelch it down. Then you have Jesse Smullett and his stupid antics where he gets away with it... and what price did he pay for staging a crime where no crime was committed? He gets to face a few tough interrogations where he lied... and what does he get for that? Nothing! And what kind of example did he set for black youth by doing that?
Go ahead and look up the video of Micheal Brown inside the store before he met up with the policeman that ended up shooting him... and then was later exonerated of any wrong doing. Keep in mind black people testified in court to the benefit of that policeman that shot Mr Brown. What does that tell you?No I'm not forgetting Ferguson.
When people are blinded by rage they do violent things... last summer showed us who they are.I was there 2 weeks after the peak of trouble. It looked like a war zone. THAT is how mad people were and still are. Racism is BS wearing a mask of courage.