Does the itch ever fade???

nope it never fades. i've been riding for 26 years. first hondas then harleys now it's a yamaha fjr and a 06 busa. by the way the fjr sits alot.
When its freezing and there is salt on the roads... I go in the garage and sit on my bike... Move it a little forward and then back... take a fairing off... poke around ... an hour or so goes by and I go into the house and my wife just looks at me like I'm a dumb@ss for sitting out there and freezing... Uh... so no it never goes away and only seems to get worse
It is something you and those who know you are just going to have to learn to live with.
28 years in the saddle now.....and it is as bad or worse than it ever has been.
Never fades, can't ever wait to go on the next ride. But wait the real fun is when you take apart your ride and put it in the living room while you work on it so you can watch tv at the same time. Then occupy the dinning room table with the parts that "you don't want scratched up" and wait for the wife to come home. Then it is entertaining.
Never Fades....

My bike is in the house and parts on the dinning room table, Kitchen table......
But no wife to say anything.
It is great to work on the bike and watch TV when it is cold outside.Some of my Friends think I have lost my mind by having the bike inside.Oh well.
The itch NEVER fades or dies. Not for me, anyway. 12 or 13 years ago, I sold my 1100 Katana and from that time until I bought the Busa a year and a half ago, I had the itch to ride. Sometimes it would flare up something fierce and I'd have to get some serious Fast actin' mental Tinactin to get it to go away.

Now the itch gets a regular scratchin', much to my satisfaction and relief!

This is like going to confession. You people are sick. I fit right in. I have even gone as far as throwing the bread in the bin so I have an excuse to go and buy some more. It takes me ten minutes to get the bike out and the shop is a five minute walk away. Then it takes me a hour and half to get there and back. It isn't just a busa thing, I did similiar things on my little PW50. Ride to the mail box. I would do it still if i could turn around down there. ha.
Don't worry to much Displacedone, you might turn out to be nuts but the ward won't be empty.
same here, and my wife thinks Im having an affair with the computer, because Im either on it or the Busa. Drives her crazy. hahahaha. Yes, Im a Busaholic.
Yes your screwed....once you got the bug there's no gettin rid of it

Welcome to the board by the way
I haven't had a Busa or other bike for about 5 months now, and I still keep lurking to get my fix!

So I guess your answer is:
<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'></span>NEVER!!!!!!!!!!</marquee>
I ride to work every day except when it rains or snows and I never get tired of riding whether it is to work or on a long vacation.
Its not just a busa thing. i bought a used 93 cbr f2 to learn to ride and can't wait to pass the dmv course next wednesday. Even though its pretty ragged out i love messing with the bike. Will being gettin a busa soon, but started small first. Wife is going nuts
Says all i do is talk about a bike i dont even own
I've been riding for a number of years, and I can say the itch never ends. Living in the "snow belt" means I have to sit and watch for a number for months. THAT SUCKS!!! I'm new to the 'busa (just got it 3 weeks ago) so I can't wait for good weather. I expect the "itch" will end the day they put me 6' under!!!
I must have it really bad because its not just riding its everything that goes with it. Talking crap online, ordering parts, domination of any conversation I have, ect.. ect.. Doesn’t matter as long as it has wheels and a motor or goes extremely fast (Boats) I’m in! Dr. Phil please help.