Donate for Katrina Victims!


Hayabusa Master Jedi
Donating Member
Ok, I live in India... and you people Live in US where Katrina is affecting the lives of millions of people, so I dont have to elobarate on what is happenning in the affected areas. I was just wondering if maybe we should do something about it on behalf of .org !!

I've seen the pictures in media. It's heartrendering... Cache do you think you can set up a fund for that cause
I suggest you collect some money on the board, and that money can then be forwarded to either Red Cross or some such organization that is doing a clean job of trying to help the victims.

Its just a thought, and I'm ready to do my mite.

Are you guys in??

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all donations will be sent to the Red Cross.</span>
I'm all for it...

I've already donated some money to the Red Cross but I'd be glad to donate some more.

I think coming from the .org it will also help in giving a better name to motocyclists and all that happy stuff...
$250 Donation sent chris.... Its a small amount, but thats all I can afford this month
i'm knee deep in medical bills,cab fare,etc etc and shid like that...

but i sent 25 dollars... every little bit helps i hope.

da rubbah.
This is a noble thing...but I donated to a local agency sending workers and enforcment peeps.....
anybody that already donated to the Katrina Hurricane Victims has done well.

I think we were late just like any other org was./.....
Sorry peeps. Spend more than my available amount to get my neices out of Bay St. Louis. They'll be in Seattle on Saturday night.